
147 於花藝設計工作坊中,引導參加者感受「此時此地」的重要性。 Floral jamming workshop was conducted to promote the importance of being ‘Here and now’. 為多元族裔社區人士提供精神健康大使訓練 活動。 Mental Health Ambassador Training were provided for participants in ethnically diverse community. 為個案介入建立專業合作網絡 除了計劃內的社工及精神健康工作員外,本計 劃亦於本年度建立不同的合作伙伴網絡,並在 各地區持分者的協助下,為不同的個案進行評 估、介入及轉介。 除了本會內的單位,本計劃亦與不同的外間持 分者及機構,例如:綜合家庭服務中心、衛生 署、醫務社工及多元文化外展服務隊合作,為 個案提供全面性跟進。 本計劃將會繼續與不同社區持分者加強合作, 提供優質服務予服務使用者。 Developing Multi-discipline Profession collaboration Network “Project YUWA” developed a multi-discipline professional network this year. With the assistance of different external stakeholders, we conducted assessments, interventions and referrals in a more comprehensive approach. Apart from the internal service units in SideBySide, “Project YUWA” also collaborated with different external professions and government departments such as the Integrated Family Service Centre, Department of Health, various medical social workers and the Outreach Team for Multi-Cultural Community. In the coming year, in-depth collaboration is expected to provide high-quality service to the targeted community.