
13 發展社區項目 建立社區聯繫 我們也與不同持份者合作,加強社區聯繫,除 了讓我們可以知道大眾的需要,也讓公眾可以 更了解善導會的工作,與我們並肩同行,心存 同理地幫助社會上不被接納和被忽視的弱勢 社群。 「北九·將來」 — 前北九龍裁判法院 活化計劃 本會將會活化前北九龍裁判法院(二級歷史建 築)為「北九‧將來」,設立全港首間普及司法 教育中心,以延續裁判法院的司法精神和傳 統。計劃亦將以這幢建築為起點,連繫社區及 區內文物古蹟,連結新舊文化財產,以推廣本 地文化及創意藝術。項目將圍繞「普及司法教 育」、「香港情懷文化」、「良深伙伴」和「休閒生活」 四大主題,與社會各界合作,為公眾舉辦各類 活動。 過渡性房屋項目 本會於大埔及紅磡的兩個過渡性房屋項目於過 去一年已舉行了動土儀式,未來合共提供 767 個居住單位,除了希望紓緩有迫切住屋需要的 弱勢社群的生活壓力,更希望為更生人士及弱 勢社群提供不同的支援服務,以提升他們的生 活質素,培養他們的社區生活能力及讓他們學 習為社區貢獻,從而令他們遷出後能順利「過 渡」,遷往另一個新的社區定居。 Building Community Connections by Development of Community Projects We also cooperated with different stakeholders to strengthen community connections. In addition to allowing us to know the needs of the public, it also allowed the public to better understand the work of SideBySide so that they could walk side by side with us and help the marginalised groups in the society with empathy. “NK Future” — Revitalising Former North Kowloon Magistracy The Former North Kowloon Magistracy (a Grade 2 historic building) would be converted into the “NK Future” by SideBySide. The project would set up a universal judicial education centre to continue the judicial spirit and traditions of the Magistracy. We would also use the building as a starting point to connect the communities with heritage assets of the district, linking up traditional and new cultural resources so as to promote local culture and creative arts. A wide range of activities will be organised for the general public under four main themes, namely judicial education, Hong Kong culture, partnership and co- sharing, and leisure life. Transitional Housing Projects We had held groundbreaking ceremonies for our two transitional housing projects in Tai Po and Hung Hom in the past year. In total 764 bed spaces would be provided. In addition to easing the living pressure of disadvantaged groups in urgent housing need, we hoped that the transitional housing could provide diversified support services to the users to enhance their quality of life, as well as to cultivate their independence and empower them as a contributor in the community so that they could do the good deeds in any other living communities after moving out from the transitional housing.