
151 宿舍探訪 本年度我們共探訪了六間宿舍,提供服務予超 過 40 位舍友,參與的社區義工、服務使用者義 工及企業義工共超過 30 位。義工們透過一起 煲湯及參與遊戲,與舍友加深交流,建立信任 關係,消除膈膜及減少偏見,達致社區共融的 果效。 Hostel Visit In 2022, we visited 6 hostels and served over 40 service users. Over 30 volunteers, including the community , service user and corporate volunteers participated in the service. By preparing Chinese soup and playing games together, it helped strengthen the relationships and connections between volunteers and service users. Nonetheless, it also reduced the bias by having more understandings on each other, and thus achieved social inclusion. 舍友於聚餐中主動向義工分享心底話,增強彼此間的信任 關係。 Service users from hostel took the initiative to share their thoughts and feelings with the volunteers, strengthening the mutual trust among them. 義工透過文字為在囚人士送上關心及 溫暖。 Volunteers offered support to inmates through the “Pen Pal Initiative”. 義工於活動中加入健康元素,例如健康操及健康知識問答比賽,希望提升舍 友對健康的關注。 Health elements were included in the activities to promote healthy lifestyle amongst hostel residents. 書信服務 本年度我們亦積極推廣「筆友計劃」 , 透過文字 持續關顧在囚人士。現時已配對的筆友數目 達 30 組。計劃除了為在囚人士送上溫暖,亦能 加深社區義工及在囚人士彼此之間的相互了 解,而相互了解正是其中一個達至社區共融的 關鍵。 Pen Pal Initiative This year, we actively promoted the “Pen Pal Initiative” so as to offer continuous support for inmates. 30 pairs of pen pals were matched at present. Apart from offering support to inmates, the initiative also enhanced the mutual understanding between community volunteers and inmates, which was one of the key factors in achieving social inclusion.