
14 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 同你心 同你行 善導會歷經 65 年寒暑,由最初只提供更生人士 康復服務,至今延伸至精神健康、職業發展、 多元族裔等不同範疇的對象,為社會上經常被 忽視的弱勢社群服務。未來,我們將繼續與不 被社會接納或被忽視的人士相伴同行,心存同 理,堅定不移地支持及協助這些朋友,讓他們 能自在地融入社群,重建他們對社會的歸屬 感;我們亦會讓更多社會人士接觸這些朋友, 成為他們之間的溝通橋樑,讓更多人加入「同 你心、同你行」的工作,共同締造包容而安全的 社會。 Understanding. Unwavering. SideBySide began in 1957 by offering released prisoners guidance, kindness and paths back to acceptance. Today SideBySide had helped many other at-risk and marginalised people belong by offering service of mental health, employment development and service for ethnically diverse group. In the future, we would continue to walk with the excluded people by offering them unwaveringly support so that they could feel belong in the society. We would be the communication channel between the community and the marginalised groups, so that more people could join us walking side by side with the excluded people to create an inclusive and safe society.