
「北九·將來」(前北九龍裁判法院活化計劃) “ NK Future ” (The Former North Kowloon Magistracy Revitalization Project) 158 Service Overview 服務概覽 善導會「北九‧將來」建議書於第 六期「活化歷史建築伙伴計劃」下, 獲選為位於深水埗的前北九龍裁 判法院進行活化。項目將設立一所 普及司法教育中心,以延續裁判法院的司法精 神和傳統。項目亦將以這幢建築為起點,連繫 社區及區內文物古蹟,連結新舊文化財產,以 推廣本地文化及創意藝術。項目將圍繞「普及 司法教育」、「香港情懷文化」、「良深伙伴」和「休 閒生活」四大主題,為公眾舉辦各類活動。 政府將預留約一億六千五十萬元資助前北九 龍裁判法院的復修工程,另會撥備約五百萬元 資助項目的初期營運開支。項目預計可提供超 過 30 個職位。 項目團隊現正準備成立特設公司及技術可行 研究書以啟動顧問招標程序,預計於二○二六 年完成復修工程,並開始分階段營運。歷史建 築大部分範圍將開放予市民參觀,亦會舉辦免 費導賞團及開放日,提供更多機會予市民欣賞 這幢歷史建築和享用其設施,以提高他們對保 育及活化歷史建築的了解和意識。 The proposal submitted by the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SideBySide), “NK Future” has been selected to revitalise the Former North Kowloon Magistracy in Sham Shui Po under Batch VI of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Revitalisation Scheme). The project will set up a universal judicial education centre to continue the judicial spirit and traditions of the Magistracy. It will also use the building as a starting point to connect the communities with heritage assets of the district, linking up traditional and new cultural resources so as to promote local culture and creative arts. A wide range of activities will be organised for the general public under four main themes, namely judicial education, Hong Kong culture, partnership and co- sharing, and leisure life. The Government will earmark funding of about $160.5 million to subsidise the renovation of the Former North Kowloon Magistracy and another $5 million to subsidise the initial operation of the project. It is expected to create over 30 jobs. Preparation of Special Purpose Company set up and technical feasibility statement are in progress followed by subsequent consultancy services tendering procedure. Revitalisation of the project is expected to be complete in phases, with its operation to commence, in 2026. A substantial part of the historic building will be open to the public. Free guided tours and open days will be organised to provide more opportunities for the public to appreciate the historic building and enjoy its facilities, thereby enhancing their understanding and awareness of conserving and revitalising historic buildings.