
159 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 中央大堂 法院建於上世紀六十年代,為該時期的典型功 能性公共建築,並強調在視覺上對稱的格局。 項目計劃參考舊有圖則紀錄,重構地下大堂格 局,以還原建築歷史原貌。 室外墟市 露天前庭會設置休閒假日墟市,呈現過往的墟 市及街頭擺賣文化。目的帶來人流及推動旅遊 業發展,加強深水埗地區聯繫,與周邊歷史建 築伙伴產生協同效應。 Central Hall The Magistracy was built in the 1960s and was a typical functional public building of that era, emphasising a visually symmetrical layout. The project refers to existing drawings and records to reconstruct the layout of the central hall, in order to restore the historical appearance of the building. Outdoor Bazaar Holiday bazzar will be set up in the open front yard to showcase the traditional market and street vending culture of the past. The aim is to attract crowds and promote tourism development, strengthen the connection with the Sham Shui Po district, and generate synergistic effects with surrounding historical buildings. 模擬法庭 透過真實保留法庭場景,配合模擬審訊等活 動,讓參與者親身感受審訊過程,體會法治的 重要性。 Mock Trial Through preserving the court room settings and activities such as mock trials, participants will be able to experience the trial process and understand the importance of the rule of law.