
來年機構發展重點 Upcoming Focus of Agency Development 161 本會來年將繼續以「預防 + 」為機構 2023–24 年 發展策略主題,目標為社會建立利社會因素, 並加強預防犯罪,透過四大策略計劃及策略主 題「健康」幫助服務使用者建立能保護他們免於 墮入法網及精神疾病的資本。 策略計劃(一) — 拓展朋輩支援服務 本會一直重視服務使用者的個人成長,尤其重 塑他們個人獨特經歷和生活智慧,透過專業服 務模式及服務使用者參與的共建過程,成為社 會正向轉化的資源,促進自在共融的社會。 因此,過去一年本會設立「朋輩啟能系統」,強 調「啟導」及「使能」的朋輩支援的元素,並完成 製作「實務運作指引」,為本會朋輩支援服務的 定位及發展作出奠基。來年本會為檢視「指引」 的內容,以應對獨特環境下的社會需要。 來年本會製作朋輩支援服務「培訓手冊」,設計 「基礎朋輩訓練課程」及相關資源套,以透過系 統化的學習與整理過程,將服務使用者的自身 經歷轉化為正面資產,參與本會的服務計劃, 與同工協作提供優質服務予有需要的社群。 We will continue to adopt the Agency Strategic Theme “Prevention+” to increase protective capital in the society for the betterment of ex-offenders and the enhancement of mental wellness of persons in need through the 4 strategic plans and strategic theme ‘health’ to prevent our users from the risk factors that lead to crime and mental-illness. Strategic Plan (1) — Practicing the “P.E.E.R.” system The personal growth of service users is of utmost importance for promoting a sense of belonging in the community, particularly in reclaiming their unique experiences and life wisdom. Through a professional service model and a co-creation process involving service user participation, we aim to become a resource for positive social transformation and promote a society of inclusive harmony. Therefore, last year, we established the “PEER System” which emphasised the elements of “Enlightenment” and “Enabling” in peer support. We have also completed the development of the “Operational Guideline” laying the foundation for the positioning and development of peer support services. In the coming year, we will review the content of these guidelines to respond to the unique social needs under certain social contexts. In the coming year, our organisation will create a “Training Protocol” for peer support services. We will design “Foundation Peer Support Training Course” and related resource packages to systematically organise the service users’ own experiences into positive assets. It is expected to provide high-quality services to the communities in need by our trained professionals and peer ambassadors.