
162 來年機構發展重點 Upcoming Focus of Agency Development 策略計劃(二) — 構建社會智能服務 模式 本會一直專注於以社會智能及與時並進的方式 協助違法人士,特別是因社會事件而被捕及檢 控的人士、相關人士及復元人士,讓他們能夠 轉化為社會的貢獻者。要達至此策略,我們著 重於提升他們的抗逆力,為他們設計一個具社 會智能服務模式的手法,讓受到社會事件影響 情緒及精神的人士能有更美好的生命。來年我 們將會繼續鞏固社會智能服務模式 — 社會事件 服務模型及推動社會智能的意念和概念。 在提供服務予社會事件相關人士中,我們運用 了創傷知情照顧及抗逆力模型為介入導引。 來年,我們會繼續建立實證為本的創傷知情抗 逆力模型( Trauma-informed Resilience Model ), 把創傷知情照顧所重視的整體環境改善成為 機構發展的其中一個重要方向,並應用在全會 服務。 社會智能鼓勵我們增強自身應對外在環境急 速變化的能力,使我們能提供對應的服務。因 此,我們將會建立一個臨床主管、社工及中央 行政部門同工組成的「社會智能實驗室」,透過 實驗室內不同的活動,希望不同專業的同工都 能成為社會智能者。 Strategic Plan (2) — Social Intelligence with Database of “Up-to-date Solutions” We have been serving the people committed crimes especially those were arrested or charged in the social incidents and Persons in recovery (PIRs) to change and transform them to contribute to society. In the future, we will continue to focus on elevating the resilience of the target groups who are emotionally and mentally affected by the social incidents through a social intelligence service model to enable them to thrive for the betterment of their lives. In the upcoming year, we will consolidate the Social Intelligence Model for serving social incident (SI) — SI Service Model as well as promote the concept of “Social Intelligence”. Trauma-informed Care and Resilience Model are the models utilised to serve SI and related persons in a caring and strength- based environment. We will continue to build an evidence-based Trauma-informed Resilience Model. Furthermore, the environment incorporated with trauma-informed care elements for service delivery will be another focus of agency development and applied in services across the agency. Social intelligence encourages us to increase our ability to provide service in respond to the rapid societal change. Therefore, a “Social Intelligence LAB” consisting of clinical supervisors, social workers and staff members from central functions will be established to encourage everyone of us to become a social intelligencer.