
164 來年機構發展重點 Upcoming Focus of Agency Development 策略計劃(四) — 裝備同工臨床及管 理能力 來年,我們將會推出一連串的人才發展計劃, 旨在裝備同工臨床及管理能力,更有效地滿 足服務使用者的需要。通過不同的培訓,包括 動機式面談、正向行為支援策略之處理暴力事 故及脫身法技巧;透過跨部門個案研討會進行 臨床實踐智慧交流、導師培訓計劃以及持續的 專業發展資助,增強同工的臨床能力。為培養 具管理能力的未來領袖,我們將會實施師友計 劃、資助具潛質的主管參加香港社會工作者協 會舉辦的專業社工督導證書課程、以及香港社 會服務聯會培訓中心舉辦的非牟利機構新晉升 主管證書課程等項目。 透過培育員工的成長心態,這些措施將幫助我 們堅持「同你心,同你行」的品牌基因。在執行 人材發展計劃時,我們將繼續因應不斷變化的 機構需求和優先事項進行調整。最終,透過提 升同工臨床及管理能力,使我們能心存同理, 堅定不移地支持及協助服務使用者,讓他們能 自在地融入社群,重建他們對社會的歸屬感。 策略主題 — 健康 本會亦繼續透過協助服務使用者建立健康的生 活方式,加強服務使用者的保護性資本,繼而 減低危害心理健康的危險因素及觸犯法紀的 機會。 在未來的日子,本會將定期推行「基礎健康檢 查計劃」,準確地了解服務使用者健康需要並 進行分析,為服務使用者設計實證為本的健康 生活管理服務,並會為服務使用者及同工設立 健康知識分享頻道,提升他們的健康素養以應 對現今及將來生活上不同的挑戰,同時裝備各 層級職員具備健康關顧的視角,讓同工了解地 區健康資源及如何與不同的持份者合作,以協 同效應方式推行有效的「預防 + 」健康管理服務。 來年,本會同工會與服務使用者共同創設健 康之路,與他們一起踏上包容而健康安全的 旅程。 Strategic Plan (4) — Equip Colleague with Both Clinical and Management Competencies In the coming year, SideBySide is excited to launch a series of talent development programs focused on enhancing our clinical and managerial competence to better meet users’ needs. We will strengthen our staff’s clinical competencies through training in areas including motivational interviewing, managing workplace violence through positive behavior support, clinical practice wisdom exchange via cross-branch case conferences, train-the- trainer programs, and ongoing professional development support via the training sponsorship programme. To nurture future leaders with managerial competencies, we will implement programmes including a mentorship scheme, sponsoring potential supervisors to participate in the Professional Certificate Course for Social Work Supervisor organised by Hong Kong Social Workers Association, Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers organised by HKCSS Institute. By developing staff growth mindset, these initiatives will help SideBySide uphold our brand DNA of “Understanding, Unwavering”. As we roll out the talent development programs, we will continue tailoring them to meet evolving organizational needs and priorities. Ultimately, by enhancing staff clinical and managerial competence, we can offer understanding and unwavering support so our service users can belong. Strategic Theme — Health We strengthen the protective capital of service users by assisting them in establishing a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing the risk factors contributing to psychological and mental challenges, and the likelihood of law violating behaviour. In the future we will conduct regular health check-up to articulate the service users’ health needs through data analysis and design evidence-based health programmes, as well as health knowledge-based sharing channel designed for our service users and staff members to enhance their health literacy to meet the present and future daily life challenges and equip staff at all levels with a health perspective. Staff will be enriched to reach out to more community health resources with synergy effects and collaborate with different stakeholders to carry out effective “Prevention +” Health Management Services. In the coming year, our colleagues and service users will work together to co-create our pathway to a healthier life, which will lead to an inclusive, healthy and safe journey.