
166 機構傳訊 Corporate Communications Service Overview 服務概覽 品牌及傳訊部的職責是通過策略 性核心活動,加強對內、外的合作 和溝通,宣傳機構的核心價值、使 命、願景和成就。當中包括聯絡傳 媒、製作刊物、舉辦籌款活動、與 持份者溝通、機構品牌形象管理等 工作,以提升公眾對本會的認識及 支持。 The Brand & Communications Division (BCD) has the important role of improving both internal and external communications for the organisation. Our primary focus is to effectively convey the agency’s vision, mission, values, and accomplishments through strategic activities. In addition, we handle brand management and promotion. This encompasses tasks such as media relations, creating corporate materials, organising fundraising events, communicating with stakeholders, and overseeing agency branding. Our aim is to ensure public recognition and support for the organisation. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 重塑品牌形象 連繫各持分者 透過全面的品牌革新計劃,本會成功以全新的 品牌形象示人。根據問卷調查發現,大部份的 持分者對品牌革新計劃都給予正面評價,超過 75% 的受訪者都表示喜歡或非常喜歡善導會的 新品牌形象。這次品牌革新明確訂定本會的獨 特性,還展示了本會在瞬息萬變的社會服務領 域中,不斷追求卓越,與時並進。 Revitalising Brand Image and Resonating with Stakeholders Through implementing a comprehensive rebranding project, the agency successfully revitalised the brand. Feedback from stakeholders was overwhelmingly positive, with over 75% expressing their liking or strong liking for the changes. This rebranding effort not only strengthened the agency’s position but also demonstrated our commitment to excel and adaptation in the ever-changing social service landscape.