
167 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 增強會內品牌知識 呈現統一形象 品牌與傳訊部另一個關注的領域是內部品牌一 致性。我們制定了全面的品牌使用指南,並開 展了工作坊和培訓課程,以確保所有員工都能 成為善導會的代言人,包括了解品牌革新計劃 的理念,並鼓勵他們推廣品牌信息。本會亦加 強與大眾的溝通媒介,開展網站改進計劃,本 着用戶友好的體驗作出改善,並加入了自動回 覆功能,以便迅速回應查詢。這些改進旨在提 高使用者滿意度,便利大家獲取關於本會服務 的信息。 提升社區參與及品牌知名度 在 2023 年 3 月,本會在前北九龍裁判法院的法 庭舉辦了首場電影分享會。慈善電影活動結合 了娛樂、籌款和鼓舞人心的分享,活動加深了 大眾對本會品牌信息「讓每個人都可以自在共 融」的理解與實踐,並提升參加者的社區意識 和使命感。善導會透過與不同媒體合作增加曝 光率,提升在社區的影響力。本會邀請服務使 用者分享激勵人心的故事,並製作成影片,於 2022 年 12 月在香港開電視以特備節目形式播 出。此外,我們在香港電台推出的每週廣播節 目「 Talk 甦」,聽眾包括在囚人士、他們的家庭 和公眾。節目為服務使用者提供了一個平台, 讓他們分享更生康復、精神健康和職業發展有 關的個人故事。自 2022 年 7 月以來,本會每月 接受香港電台電視訪談節目─「精靈一點」訪 問,讓醫生、服務使用者和各持分者討論,透 過他們的分享提高大眾對本會服務和使命的 認識。 展望未來,品牌與傳訊部會運用專業知識和 創造力,在已建立的平台上持續進步,同時開 展創新項目,加強社區參與並擴大品牌的影 響力。 Strengthening Internal Brand Alignment for Consistent Brand Representation Internal brand alignment was another area of focus for BCD. Comprehensive brand guidelines, workshops and training sessions were developed to ensure that all staff members understood and effectively represented the brand. This included educating them on the rationale behind the rebranding project and empowering them to communicate our brand messages consistently. In terms of enhancing communications, the website was revamped to provide a user-friendly experience and an auto- reply feature was implemented to address inquiries promptly. These improvements aimed to increase user satisfaction and facilitate access to information about our agency and services. Community Engagement and Brand Awareness The very first movie-sharing session was organised in the court of the former North Kowloon Magistracy (FNKM) in March 2023. The Charity Movie series combined entertainment, fundraising, and inspirational sharing. These events deepened people’s understanding of our brand message — “Everyone deserves to belong” — and fostered a sense of community and shared purpose. Multimedia engagement was utilised to amplify the impact of SideBySide. By featuring inspiring stories shared by our service users, our videos were aired on HOY TV as a mini- programme in December 2022. Additionally, our weekly radio show “Talk So” on RTHK provided a platform for service users to share their personal stories related to rehabilitation, mental wellness, and career development, reaching the person in custody, their families, and the public. Since July 2022, monthly TV interviews on RTHK “Healthpedia” allowed collaborative discussions between doctors, service users, and stakeholders, highlighting the importance of our work and increasing awareness of the agency’s mission. Looking ahead, the agency plans to leverage the expertise and creativity of BCD to develop innovative initiatives that will further strengthen community engagement and amplify the brand message.