
169 數碼化及資訊科技 Digitalisation and Information Technology 機構數碼轉型 個案及數據管理信息系統 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的支持下,本會透 過「賽馬會資訊科技支援計劃」獲得香港生產 力促進局的資訊科技顧問支持。生產力局建議 改善本會目前的資訊科技運作、管治和組織架 構,建議改善的首要任務是開發一個集中的個 案管理系統,以處理本會所有類型的服務。 鑑於近年社會事件和疫情,以及生產力局的建 議,本會向香港賽馬會慈善信託基金提交了一 份資助建議,以開發一個個案及數據管理信息 系統。該系統的目標是通過在本會內服務使用 者的整個旅程中對服務流程進行數碼化,從而 提高服務的有效性和效率。通過該系統,不僅 可以滿足各類服務的最新需求,還可以促進服 務流程的數碼轉型,以應對新常態下的挑戰。 該項目已於二零二二年第四季展開,並預計於 二零二五年完成。 Digital Transformation Information System for Case and Data Management With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, SideBySide joined “The Hong Kong Jockey Club IT Support Programme for NGOs” and received a consultancy support in IT from the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). HKPC made recommendations for improvement of the current IT operation, governance and organisation structure for SideBySide that the highest priority of improvement recommended is the development of a centralised case management system, which aims at catering for all types of services in SideBySide. In light of the social incidents and the epidemic in recent years and the recommendations from HKPC, SideBySide submitted a funding proposal to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Club to develop a new information system for case and data management. The objective of the proposed system is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service by digital transformation of the service process through the entire journey of service users within SideBySide. With the proposed system, not only does the latest needs for all types of service can be catered for, but also the digital transformation of the service process can be facilitated to meet the challenges under the New Normal. The project was clicked off in the fourth quarter of 2022 and expected to be completed in 2025.