
170 研究調查 Research Study Service Overview 服務概覽 研究及發展部 (RDD) 專責以實證的 研究及考查,了解服務使用者的需 求及機構服務的發展並提供見意 見。 本部門的重點工作包括研究 調查、數據管理和知識轉化,以配 合機構未來發展。 The Research and Development Division (RDD) is responsible for providing insight on the needs of service users and service development by adopting evidence-based research and study. There are three main areas of work, namely, research, data management, and knowledge transfer, so as to keep up with the future development of society. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 研究調查 研究及發展部繼續以實證為本為機構提供資料 及文獻搜集、為研究提供設計諮詢、以及以評 估工具進行數據分析。本會「正念同行」計劃是 一項給予年青成在囚者的靜觀藝術治療服務, 本部門透過焦點小組和問卷調查為計劃進行成 效評估。結果顯示,參加者的回復力、意義(生 活意義)都有顯著改善,而他們參與活動後的 孤獨感亦有顯著下降。 Research RDD continues to support evidence-based practices within the agency by providing desktop research/literature reviews, consultations on methodology design, evaluation tools development and data analysis. We evaluated on the effectiveness of Project Landing, a programme using Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for young adult persons in custody, by initiating focus groups and questionnaire surveys. The result showed that there was a significant improvement in the participants’ resilience, meaning (purpose of life) and a significant decrease in the level of loneliness rated by participants after the therapy.