
171 知識轉化 香港社會工作學報發表文章 本部門致力將服務計劃集結成智慧傳遞給予 公眾。本部門就有關使用網絡遊戲化的青少年 介入服務(賽馬會「挑戰你 • 想」手機應用程式) 進行研究並遞交相關文章予香港社會工作學 報,其後被獲刊登。該文章名為「新世代社會 服務:網絡遊戲化介入模式」,刊登於第 1/2 期 (2022) ,第 56 卷 119–134 頁。 Knowledge Transfer Publishing Article in the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work We strive to transfer knowledge gained from our studies on different service initiatives to the public. RDD submitted an article about the study result of using the online-gamification approach on youth service (“Jockey Club YouChallenge App”) to the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work and was accepted. The article was named “Engaging New Generation Virtually: A New Era For Social Service” and was printed on pages 119–134, issue no 1/2 (Summer/Winter 2022), volume no 56. 研究及發展經理於 2022 年 12 月 16 日向「正念同行」工作人員公佈「正念同行」 計劃的研究結果。 The Research and Development Manager presented the evaluation results of Project Landing to the working members on 16 December 2022. 本會文章「新世代社會服務:網絡遊戲化介入模式」刊登於香 港社會工作學報第 1/2 期 (2022) ,第 56 卷 119-134 頁。 An article from our agency named “Engaging New Generation Virtually: A New Era For Social Service” was accepted and printed on pages 119-134, issue no 1/2 (Summer/Winter 2022), volume no 56. in the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work