
172 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 研究及發展部協助籌備「轉化作貢獻」研討會 RDD initiated “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities” PEER Support Services Conference 「轉化作貢獻」研討會 2023 – 朋輩支援 服務應用及未來發展 繼「老友鬼鬼 - 隱蔽濫藥者朋輩支援計劃」的成 功舉辦後,我們於 2023 年 2 月 24 日協助籌備了 一個有關朋輩支援服務研討會。這次研討會透 過與其他非政府機構及公眾作分享和交流朋 輩支援的寶貴經驗,以促進朋輩支援服務的發 展。當日共 141 人親身出席,而線上參與人數 共 165 人。 “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities” PEER Support Services Conference Following the success of “Buddies & Buddies – Peer Support Service on Hidden Drug Users”, we assisted to organised a PEER Support Services Conference on 24 February 2023. The ultimate goal of this conference was to foster the development of peer support services, and share and exchange the valuable experience of peer support service with other NGOs and the public. A total of 141 people attended in person and 165 people participated online. 知識管理 大數據分析在社會中變得越來越重要。它在社 會服務中的應用不僅為服務模式及其服務提供 評估意見,亦有效識別現有服務不足之處。而 整合及凝聚機構現有的數據庫對於資料分析是 極為重要。本部門夥拍資訊科技部,共同設計 了一個中央化的個案及資源管理系統,並已獲 外間撥款支持研發該系統。 Data Management Big data analysis has become more and more important in the world. Its application in social service will provide insights on not only the service mode and evaluation of service delivered but also on identifying the service gap. To integrate and centralise the existing database within the agency is essential for data analysis. We cooperated with the Information Technology Division to jointly design a centralised case and resource management system and funding has been granted from external support for the system development.