
174 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 善導培訓中心推動專業發展 善導培訓中心透過提供培訓及相關專業證書課 程,協助現正從事或有志投身更生康復、預防 犯罪和精神健康服務的人士了解犯罪行為、精 神病患、成癮及導致違法的高危行為以及有效 介入手法等範疇。本會派出資深社工及臨床心 理學家為澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局提供 「預防性犯罪工作及介入手法」進階培訓課程, 協助提升澳門社工對性罪犯之輔導技巧,也促 進兩地的專業交流。 SideBySide Training Centre Promotes Professional Development SideBySide Training Centre offers training programmes and certificate courses for people who are interested in providing offender rehabilitation, crime prevention and mental health services, enabling them to understand the criminal act, mental illness, as well as addictive and high-risk behaviors, and effective intervention approaches. Our experienced social worker and Clinical psychologist provided an advanced training course on “Sexual Crime Prevention and Intervention” for the Social Welfare Bureau of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, to help Macau counterparts improve their counselling skills for sex offenders and promote professional exchanges between Hong Kong and Macau.