
175 國內和海外的演講嘉賓一同討論朋輩支援服務的發展。 The Mainland and overseas guest speakers discussed the development of Peer Support services. 參加者到訪赤柱馬坑監獄參與「監獄任務」活動。 The participants visited the Ma Hang Prison in Stanley for “Mission in Prison” activity. 設計思維團隊向管理層推銷創新的服務點子。 Design Thinking Groups presented new service ideas to senior management. 重視人才發展 本年度,我們除了舉行內部培訓如「社會事件 服務模式工作坊」、「基本技能培訓」外,亦邀 請了國內和海外的機構於「轉化作貢獻」研討會 2023 - 朋輩支援服務應用及未來發展分享朋輩 支援服務的經驗和討論朋輩支援服務的發展, 讓同工加深對朋輩支援服務的認識。 另外,本會與大專院校保持緊密合作,為社會 工作學系、犯罪學系及輔導學的學生提供實習 機會,支援本地社會服務教育的發展。年內, 本會安排 41 位來自各院校的學生於不同服務單 位進行實習。 Talent Development This year, in addition to hosting internal trainings, such as the “Social Incident Service Model Workshop”, and “Essential Skills Training”; we also invited the Mainland and oversea social service organisations to participate in “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities” PEER Support Services Conference 2023”. They shared their experience of Peer Support services and discussed the development of Peer Support services, helping the colleagues gain a deeper understanding of PEER support services. We maintained close cooperation with universities and supported education development in the area of social services by providing fieldwork placement for students taking social work, criminology and counselling courses. During the year, we arranged fieldwork placements for 41 students from different institutions at our service units.