
176 人力資源 Human Resources 員工是本機構其中一項十分重要的資產。在二 零二二至二零二三年度,我們繼續積極採取以 員工為本的策略,從而提升員工的身心靈健 康。特別是每年舉辦的機構健康日,由服務單 位╱科自行策劃及編排有益身心的員工活動。 本年度我們按計劃進行了「職位說明 (JD) 」和 「職位評值 (JE) 」檢討,當中包括安排不同級別 的員工代表參與以深入審視各職位的角色和職 責。新的職位架構和薪酬架構,以及相關的人 手編製已在二零二二至二零二三年度實施以配 合機構的長遠策略發展與維持在人力市場上的 競爭力。 機構健康日 Staff are the most important asset in the Agency. In 2022/2023, we continued to adopt a proactive staff-oriented approach to enhance the physical and mental health and wellness of our staff. In particular, Agency Health Day was organised annually on service unit/branch basis for the promotion of both physical and mental health of staff, as well as cross-team collaboration. The Job Description (JD) and Job Evaluation (JE) reviews with involvement of different levels of staff representatives was finalised this year. A new grading structure and salary structure with review of staff establishment was proposed and implemented in year 2022/2023 to align with the Agency’s long- term strategies and maintain competitiveness in labour market. Agency Health Day 2022 大家在遠足前都做足熱身運動 Colleagues practiced stretching exercises before went on hiking 同工在機構健康日到東平洲遠足 Colleagues went on hiking on the agency's health day.