
177 職員活動 Activities for Staff Service Overview 服務概覽 職員福利會以「聯繫你我.關愛身 心」為主題,鼓勵同事關注自己的 身心靈健康,關懷小組亦會定期向 會員送上關心。本年度經過網上投 票舉辦「流體畫體驗班」及「零基礎 法式花藝設計班」,活動得到同事的 熱烈響應,更帶同親友參與支持。 一年一度的「職福會周年聚餐」讓同 事們聚首一堂,彼此聯繫。職員福 利會亦推動同事多運動,除了組隊 代表機構出戰社工盃足球和籃球比 賽,也有定期進行排球訓練以強身 健體和舒緩工作壓力。 With the theme of “Connecting You and Me, Caring for Body and Mind,” the Staff Welfare Association (SWA) encourages colleagues to focus on their physical and mental well-being. The care team also regularly extends their support to the members. In the current year, SWA organised “Fluid Painting Workshop” and “French Floral Class for Beginners” through online voting. These activities received enthusiastic responses from colleagues and even drew participation and support from their family and friends. The “Staff Welfare Association Annual Lunch” brought colleagues together to foster connections. SWA also promotes physical activities among colleagues. Apart from forming teams in social work football and basketball competitions, regular volleyball training sessions are conducted to promote physical fitness and relieve work stress. 零基礎法式花藝設計班 French Floral Class for Beginners 「職福會周年聚餐」讓不同單位的同事們聚首一堂 Colleagues from different units get together in the “SWA Annual Lunch” 精緻美麗的鮮花禮盒,初學者也有成功感! Exquisite and beautiful flower gift boxes bring a sense of accomplishment even to beginners! 治癒減壓的「流體畫體驗班」深受同事及親友歡迎。 The “Fluid Painting Workshop” is a mindful and highly popular activity among colleagues and friends. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year