
186 聲明 Statement 本會年報二零二二至二三內的截至二零二三年 三月三十一日止年度綜合全面收益表及綜合財 務狀況表不是本會該年度法定的綜合財務報 表。按照公司條例第四百三十六條,更多資料 關於那些法定的財務報表被要求披露如下: 根據公司條例第六百六十二(三)條及附表六第 三部,本會將會交付那些綜合財務報表到公司 註冊處處長。 本會的核數師已就那些綜合財務報表發表沒有 保留意見的報告;核數師報告沒有提述核數師 在不就該報告作保留的情況下以強調的方式 促請有關的人注意的任何事宜;及核數師報告 亦沒載有根據公司條例第四零六(二)或四零七 (二)或(三)條作出的陳述。 根據社會福利署整筆撥款手冊,請於本會綱址 www.sidebyside.org.hk 查閱周年財務報告。 (以英文版本為標準) The Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position relating to the year ended 31 March 2023 included in the Annual Report 2022/23 are not the Agency’s statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year. Further information relating to those statutory financial statements required to be disclosed in accordance with section 436 of the Companies Ordinance is as follows: The Agency will deliver those consolidated financial statements to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Companies Ordinance. The Agency’s auditor has reported on those consolidated financial statements. The auditor’s report was unqualified; did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its reports; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2), 407(2) or (3) of the Companies Ordinance. For Annual Financial Report as required under Lump Sum Grant Manual of Social Welfare Department, please refer to the Agency’s website www.sidebyside.org.hk.