
65 週年慶典活動 65 th Anniversary Celebration Events 32 承先啟後︰善導會 65 周年誌慶活動 特輯 為慶祝善導會成立 65 週年,本會推出一連串慶 祝活動藉此與大眾同賀本會邁向別具意義的里 程碑。 品牌革新計劃 揭開全新篇章 藉著善導會成立 65 週年的契機,本會於二零 二二年開展機構品牌革新計劃,為品牌換上新 裝,銳意以更專業、創新和更活力的全新形象 亮相,接觸更多有需要人士和合作伙伴。 嶄新的善導會標誌主要以「一對引號」組成, 象徵我們的服務宗旨和承諾︰以堅定不移的 初心,聆聽服務對象所需,由心出發,與他 們並肩同行。天藍色象徵和平恬靜、無限靈 感、保護和希望;耀眼的鮮橙色代表了我們的 朝氣及魄力。我們亦已更換英文品牌名稱為 SideBySide ,並簡化中文名字為「善導會」。善導 會轄下的各個服務單位及宣傳品設計亦會陸續 換上新裝示人。 善導會 65 週年星輝慈善晚宴 善導會 65 週年星輝慈善晚宴於二零二二年十 二月七日圓滿舉行。晚宴共筵開了 20 席,超 過 200 位嘉賓參與,當中包括一眾主禮嘉賓、 來自社會各界的社會賢達、合作夥伴,善導僱 主、一眾善導會委員及義務顧問等。善導會各 單位同工亦有應邀一同共襄盛舉,場面熱鬧。 晚宴上,除了與一眾嘉賓共同回顧機構過往 65 載點滴,亦特別安排了服務使用者的表演和分 享環節,讓有會友們有一展所長的機會,同時 展現機構在社區推動自在共融的成果。此外, 當晚亦設有慈善拍賣環節,由不同的善長捐贈 物品支持,所籌集的資金將用作支持非社署資 助服務的發展,以滿足更多使用者的需要。 Forward Happens Here: Celebration of SideBySide’s 65 th Anniversary 2022 marked SideBySide’s 65 th Anniversary. An array of initiatives was launched throughout the year to invite the public to join us in celebrating this meaningful occasion. Launch of Rebrand Sets Off for New Chapter Seizing the opportunity of celebrating the 65 th anniversary of SideBySide, we launched the rebranding project in 2022 to revitalise our brand identity to present a more professional, innovative, and versatile characters and hopefully to connect with more people in need and potential supporters. The new logo of SideBySide is created from “a pair of quotation marks”, symbolising our founding purpose and commitment: We’re SideBySide with excluded people, offering understanding, unwavering support and kindness so they can belong. The serene blue represents peace, serenity, spirituality, infinity, protection and hope, while the bright, eye-catching active orange represents our vitality and energy. We have also changed the English brand name to SideBySide and simplify the Chinese name to “ 善導會 ”. The new image will be gradually introduced to the various service units and corporate promotional designs under SideBySide. SideBySide 65 th Anniversary Gala Spectacular To celebrate the Sapphire Jubilee of SideBySide, an exceptional 65 th anniversary Gala Spectacular was successfully held on 7 December, 2022. It was a full house of 20 seated tables and more than 200 esteemed guest came together to celebrate this historic moment, including distinguished guests, social elites from various sectors, partners, benevolent employers, members of the SideBySide’s Executive Committee, and honourary consultants. The event served as an opportunity to reflect on SideBySide’s remarkable journey over the past 65 years. Guests enjoyed special performances and engaging sharing sessions that showcased the talents of our service users and highlighted the agency’s accomplishments in fostering inclusive community participation. Moreover, a charity auction was held, featuring generous donations from supporters. The funds raised will be instrumental in advancing our non-subvented services, enabling us to meet the evolving needs of a greater number of service users.