
33 Multidisciplinary Forum on Professional Services for People with Sexual Offence The “Multidisciplinary Forum on Professional Services for People with Sexual Offence” was successfully organised on 12 July 2022. During the seminar, comprehensive insights were provided into the background statistics of sexually offending individuals, as well as the support services available to them and their families during incarceration and in the community. Professionals from psychology, psychiatry, and social work also shared their expertise. The seminar received an overwhelming response, with a total of 207 participants engaging actively both in person and online, highlighting strong public interest in understanding and supporting the rehabilitation of sex offenders. The successful collaboration among professionals from various sectors showcased the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in implementing effective preventive measures and successful reintegration efforts. “So Uk” Musical Theatre The “So Uk” Musical Theatre, presented by SideBySide and performed by the STAR Theater, concluded a series of four shows at the Youth Square Y Theatre from 3 to 5 February 2023. The play was a resounding success which drew over 1,600 attendees. The “So Uk” Musical Theatre combined real-life stories with social issues, conveying inclusivity and crime prevention messages through artistic expression. With a talented cast of young performers, the play explored the theme of “social housing,” delving into the lives of individuals from diverse backgrounds. The actors skillfully blended singing and dancing, bringing to life heartwarming tales illuminating the essence of “home”. In collaboration with the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the play also promoted inclusivity by involving deaf actors, visual interpretation performers, and audio descriptions to ensure access for diverse audiences. 「講理性 — 跨專業預防性違法分 享會」 「講理性 — 跨專業預防性違法分享會」於二零二 二年七月十二日假溫莎公爵社會服務大廈以實 體及線上直播形式舉行。分享會上介紹性違法 人士的背景統計資料及現時在監禁和社區為性 違法人士及及家人提供的支援受務。同時,亦 邀請了多位來自社會不同界別的專業人士,包 括︰心理學家、精神科醫生、社會工作者等分 享及剖析罪行可能成因、康復需要及性違法人 士獲釋╱感化後社區支援服務的重要性,從而 鼓勵大眾支持性違法更生人士的康復。是次分 享會共有 207 位參加者親身及網上參與,反應 熱烈。 「甦 • 屋」音樂劇場 由善導會主辦、甦星劇團演出的「甦 · 屋」音樂劇 場已於二零二三年二月三至五日假青年廣場 Y 綜藝館圓滿完成了四場公演,吸引了超過 1,600 人入場欣賞。 「甦 • 屋」音樂劇場將生命故事與社會議題融合 於戲劇當中,以藝術手法推廣共融及預防犯 罪的訊息,並招募了十多名青年加入表演。演 出以「社會房屋」為題,講述當不同年紀和背景 的人共居的故事,劇中角色包括更生人士、傷 健人士和長者等,盼望以貼身故事引發觀眾共 鳴。劇中演員們載歌載舞,以輕鬆手法呈現各 個有關「家」的人物故事,包括少女的掙扎、過 來人媽媽的擔心等,藉着充滿人情味和活力的 表演,與大家一同探索「家」的真諦。 音樂劇與香港展能藝術會合作,加入聾人演員 及視形傳譯演員參演,並提供口述影像,讓不 同需要的人士也能一同欣賞精彩演出。