
34 65 週年慶典活動 65 th Anniversary Celebration Events “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities” PEER Support Services Conference 2023 “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities” PEER Support Services Conference 2023 took place on 24 February 2023, in both physical and online formats. The event was kicked off by distinguished guests, including Miss Charmaine LEE Pui-sze, JP, Director of Social Welfare Department of HKSAR, Dr. Hon TIK Chi-yuen, SBS, JP, Legislative Councillor (Social welfare) of HKSAR and The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of the Executive Committee. This seminar brought together social service organisations from Shenzhen, Singapore, Australia, and other regions to explore the development and potential of “peer support services.” Sharing and exchange in areas such as mental health, caregiver support, community integration, and rehabilitation, the event aimed to deepen public understanding of peer support services. The seminar attracted a total of 141 attendees in person, with an additional 165 participants joining online, showcasing a vibrant response. SideBySide Thematic Screening: “A Guilty Conscience” SideBySide made the debut of its new brand’s launch with community outreach and educational activities. Garnered the unwavering support from the renowned film distributor, Edko Film Limited, the screening of the award-winning film, “A Guilty Conscience” was held on 4 March 2023 at the iconic “No.1 Court” in the Former North Kowloon Magistracy. The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of the Executive Committee, extended a warm welcome speech to set the stage for the occasion and took the opportunity to announce the new brand’s name, “SideBySide” together with its mission, vision, and new logo. 「轉化作貢獻」研討會 2023 — 朋輩支 援應用及未來發展 「轉化作貢獻」研討會 2023 — 朋輩支援服務應用 及未來發展在二零二三年二月二十四日同時以 實體及線上形式舉行。活動由主禮嘉賓揭開序 幕,包括︰香港特別行政區政府社會福利署署 長李佩詩女士, JP 、香港特別行政區立法會議 員(社會福利界)狄志遠博士, SBS , JP 及善導 會執行委員會主席潘兆童法官。研討會上匯聚 了深圳、新加坡、澳洲等地的社會服務組織, 一同探討「朋輩支援服務」的發展和可能性,並 就精神健康、照顧者支援、社區融合、更生康 復等不同範疇進行服務分享和交流,讓大眾對 朋輩支援服務有更深入的認識。當日共 141 人 親身出席,而線上參與人數更達 165 人,反應 熱烈。 《毒舌大狀》善導教育場 善導會以社區推廣及教育活動作為新品牌發佈 的第一擊,獲《毒舌大狀》發行商安樂影片有限 公司全力支持,在二零二三年三月四日於電影 主要拍攝場地前北九龍裁判法院「一號法庭」內 舉行放映會。活動由善導會執行委員會主席潘 兆童法官致歡迎辭掀起序幕,並藉此機會分享 新品牌的名稱「善導會」 (SideBySide) 的意義、承 諾及標誌。