
35 The post-screening sharing session followed by a deep exploration of the film and legal topics featuring an esteemed panel of guests, including Mr Jack NG Wai-lun, the Film Director, Mr Adam PAK Tin-nam, and Mr MAK Chi Wan, the supporting actor, and Ms Katy CHUNG, barrister-at-law and legal advisors of the film and the representatives of SideBySide, including Mr. Patrick LI Hon-leung, Vice Presidents of SideBySide, Mr. Charles J. CHAN, Barrister-at-law, member of the Rebranding Committee and Ms. Anthea Lee Shuk-wai, Chief Executive of SideBySide. Volunteer Recognition Ceremony 2022 Every year, SideBySide organises the Volunteer Recognition Ceremony to honor our dedicated volunteers and their impactful contributions to our service users. We were thrilled to reinstate the physical ceremony on 18 March 2023, highlighting the theme “Every Small Act, Great Achievements.” Esteemed guests, including The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of the Executive Committee, Dr. Eric CHEUNG Fuk-chi and Mr. Bernard KWOK Wah-ming, Vice Chairpersons of the Executive Committee, Mr. CHAN Wai-to, MH, Member of Executive Committee, Mr. Dennis MAK Hon-shing and Mr. Simon WONG Yiu-shing, Member of Finance Committee joined the ceremony. Awards were presented to commend outstanding volunteers for their selfless dedication and the awarded volunteers also shared inspiring stories. 映後的分享環節特別邀請了電影導演吳煒倫先 生、演員栢天男先生、麥子雲先生及法律顧問 鍾凱婷大律師與本會代表進行電影賞析及「法 律對法律」深度交流,包括善導會副會長李瀚 良先生、機構革新委員會委員陳永豪大律師及 總幹事李淑慧女士。 義工嘉許禮 2022 善導會每年都會舉辦義工嘉許禮,以表揚一直 與本會服務使用者並肩同行的義工。隨着疫情 放緩,二零二二年度義工嘉許禮回歸實體,並 於三月十八日順利舉行。本年度嘉許禮的主題 是「每道微小,成就偉大」,寓意著雖然義工的 服務看似微小,但卻帶來了很大的影響力。當 日有幸得到善導會執行委員會主席潘兆童法 官、兩位副主席張復熾醫生及郭樺明先生、委 員陳偉道先生, MH 、財務委員會委員麥漢成先 生及汪耀誠會計師到場支持並頒發各個獎項, 亦邀請了得獎義工分享他們每道微小的故事, 引發共鳴。