
36 65 週年慶典活動 65 th Anniversary Celebration Events 多元族裔的服務使用者在晚宴上 落力演出。 Performance by the ethnically diverse service users at the event. 善導會贊助人終審法院張舉能首席法官, GBM 、懲教署署長黃國興先生, CSDSM 以主禮嘉賓身份到場支持。 青年義工賣力參演,為演出增添 活力。 Young volunteers participated in the performance, adding vibrancy to the show. The Hon. Chief Justice Andrew CHEUNG, GBM, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, Patron of SRACP and Mr. WONG Kwok-hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Se r v i ces a t t ended as t he Guest-of-Honour. 善導會 六十五週年 星輝慈善晚宴 SideBySide 65 th Anniversary Gala Spectacular 「甦 • 屋」 音樂劇場 So Uk Musical Theatre