
2 機構簡介 About Us 關於善導會 善導會致力推動社會共融,針對導致罪行發生 的成因,以循證為本及創新的方法履行使命, 締造更健康和包容的社會。 本會創立於 1957 年,透過給予更生人士引導及 關愛,協助他們融入社會。時至今日,我們的 服務更推展至社會中其他邊緣群組,包括曾經 歷過司法程序的人士、物質濫用人士、精神復 元人士,以及其他被邊緣化的群組。 善導會與不被社會接納或被忽視的人士相伴同 行,心存同理,堅定不移地支持及協助他們。 我們提供的服務包括更生同行、精神健康、職 能發展、社區教育、多元共融及社區連繫等不 同範疇。 願景 致力締造包容而安全的社會,並成為一所有聲 望的社會服務機構。 使命 善導會提供優質康復及多元化的服務,以協助 曾違法人士改過遷善、推展預防犯罪及匡助有 需要人士的精神健康。 核心價值 專業精神為基礎,追求卓越齊學習 相互尊重顯關懷,夥伴合作創佳績 About SideBySide SideBySide fosters a healthier society by promoting inclusivity and addressing factors that contribute to crime. The organisation takes an evidence-based approach, and innovates to progress its mission. The NGO began in 1957 by offering released prisoners guidance, kindness and paths back to acceptance. Today SideBySide helps many other at-risk people belong. Some have been through the justice system or are struggling with addiction. Many are marginalised through mental challenges, discrimination and other factors. SideBySide offers excluded people understanding and unwavering practical support through our range of six services: Social Rehabilitation, Mental Wellness, Competency Development, Community Education, Cultural Inclusion, and Community Connection. Vision A renowned organisation contributing to the development of an inclusive and safe society. Mission SideBySide exists to provide quality rehabilitation and multifarious services for the betterment of ex-offenders, for the prevention of crimes and the mental wellness of persons in need. Core Values Professionalism (Pursuing excellence with a learning culture Caring (Treating people with respect) Partnership (Working well together to achieve common goals)