
39 善導會希望透過舉辦分享會,加強業界協作,並鼓勵大眾支持性違法更 生人士的康復。 SideBySide organized the “Multidisciplinary Forum on Sexual Offences”, with an aim to gain support from government policies, strengthen industry cooperation, and increase public support for the rehabilitation of sexual offenders. 善導會執行委員會主席潘兆童法官 介紹由機構為性違法人士提供的社 區支援服務。 The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of SideBySide’s Executive Committee shared the community support services for the sex offenders. 「講理性─ 跨專業預防性 違法分享會」 Multidisciplinary Forum on Professional Services for People with Sexual Offence