
43 法院社工服務法律顧問黃錦娟大律師為法院義工提供 法律講座。 Ms Catherine Wong, Barrister-at-law, legal consultant of Court Social Work Service, provided advance training for CSWS’s volunteers. 義務律師諮詢計劃 「義務律師諮詢計劃」負責招募律師,為部份未 能獲得合適法律援助的候審人士安排周詳的法 律諮詢服務,並由社工協助其完成法律程序。 本年度有兩位候審人士接受服務。 Free Legal Advice Scheme The “Free Legal Advice Scheme” invites voluntary laywers to provide legal advice to assist the defendants who attend court hearings and go through all legal procedures alone and cannot obtain appropriate legal aid. Our social workers would also help to complete legal procedures. 2 defendants received the service this year. 法院社工服務 2.0 「法院社工服務 2.0 」計劃於二零二三年三月底 完結,我們正有序地完成跟進個案的需要及為 他們連接至其他相關服務,並在個案同意下轉 介至長期跟進的服務單位,讓他們的需要能夠 繼續得到照顧。同時,我們會繼續為他們提供 個人及家人輔導,藉着增加溝通及互相理解, 以達到改善關係、有效地處理法庭事件及準備 面對可能出現的結果。 小組輔導及活動 我們本年度共安排了 11 節小組及活動,以回應 因社會事件被捕人士及其家屬的不同需要,包 括面對控罪、有可能的判刑、社交發展、候審 期間對於社區貢獻及身份認同建立的需要,以 及家人因事件而受的情緒影響及在候審期間的 身心靈健康的需要。 Court Social Work Service 2.0 Following the completion of the “Court Social Work Service 2.0” at the end of March 2023, we are working systematically to bridge up users to the existing social service for long term follow- up, based on their consents and assessed needs. We will continue to provide assistance to clients and their family members to enhance mutual understanding and communication, in order to improve relationships, effectively handle the court issues and face its possible outcomes. Group Counselling and Programme 11 session of programmes and groups activities were organised this year to address the diverse needs of arrestees in the social incidents and their family members. Theirs needs include preparation on facing charges and possible sentencing, social development, the need of community contributions and establishment of sense of identity, as well as the physical and psychological needs from their family members.