
44 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 外展支援服務 計劃職員定期外展至法庭,為因社會事件被捕 而需上庭,特別是一些首次提堂面對法律程序 的候審人士及家屬提供即時的法庭支援服務, 當中共處理了 897 宗查詢。 Outreach Service Project staffs regularly outreached to the courts to provide immediate assistance to the arrestees and their family members especially who were first brought to the court for hearing. We handled 897 enquiries this year. 參加者在「社交世一」活動中製作蛋糕,並在過 程學習互相溝通及提升社交意識。 Participants in “Social No.1 activity” program showed their hand-made products and learned to enhance social and communication skills and awareness. 耆望計劃 「耆望計劃」由維拉律敦治.荻茜慈善基金贊 助,於二零二零年七月至二零二二年十月期 間,為在本港面對刑事檢控的 60 歲或以上的 被捕、涉嫌違法人士、候審人士及其家人提供 個案輔導和適切支援,期後由機構承擔服務支 出,繼續提供支援予服務對象。 個案、小組及活動服務 二零二二年四月至十月期間,本計劃共服務了 31 位長者及 22 位家屬。當中亦因應長者的需 要,提供專業評估、轉介及小組活動服務。 Project HOPE Project HOPE is funded by Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund with the aim to alleviate stress and provide assistance and counselling to arrestees (aged 60 or above) and their family members. The Project ran from July 2020 to October 2022, and SideBySide will continue the services by bearing the project expenses after the funded period. Case, Group and Programmes From April to October 2022, we served 31 elderly and 22 family members. Based on the needs of the elderly arrestees, we provided professional assessment, referral and group service.