
45 耆望計劃舉行「被捕長者與精神健康研究發佈會」。 Press conference of “Project HOPE” shared the practice wisdom, data analysis and recommendations on elderly service. 教育及訓練活動 為提升不同持分者對於被捕長者議題的認識, 本年度我們舉辦了 26 場活動,對象包括長者、 家屬、照顧者、長者服務社工及公眾人士。 Educational Programme and Training To help different stakeholders to understand elderly arrestees, we organised 26 educational and training programmes, targeting the elderly, family members, caregivers, social workers of elderly service, and general public. 「耆望計劃」社工與前線警務人員分享被捕長者的特殊需要。 Social worker of “Project HOPE” shared the special needs of elderly arrestees to frontline police officers. 本會舉辦「綠苔玉」工作坊,冀讓服務使用者輕鬆減壓,並認 識新朋友。 Kokedama workshop for service users aimed to alleviating pressures and making new friends. 服務使用者參與機構的瑜伽日,關注身心健康。 Service users joined the yoga day and made attempts to do the yoga poses together.