
46 綜合更生康復服務 Integrated Service for Ex-offenders 釋前輔導服務 Pre-release Preparation Service 本會為在囚人士提供的服務包 括釋前輔導和其他活動。我們使 用多元手法和及早介入的策略, 協助在囚人士做好釋前準備工 作以應付出獄後的生活。我們的 社工為在囚人士在家庭重聚、就 業準備、住屋需求和健康教育等 方面安排合適的服務和轉介,同 時在他們離開監獄後提供適當 的跟進及支援。 SideBySide provides Pre-release Preparation Service and other activities for persons-in-custody. By implementing multi- dimensional models and early intervention strategies, we assist persons-in-custody in preparing for their life after discharge. Our social workers arrange appropriate services and referrals for persons-in-custody before and after they are discharged in areas such as family support, employment preparation, housing assistance, and health education. Service Overview 服務概覽 282 小組簡介數目 No. of group briefing conducted 569 2,892 小組簡介的出席人數 No. of attendances of the group briefing 在懲教院所與在囚人士 進行面談的數目 No. of persons-in-custody interviews in panel institutions conducted 438 96% 服務數據 Service Data 曾接受釋前輔導服務,其後成為 綜合服務中心的服務對象的人 數 No. of persons-in-custody of panel institutions turn to be service users of Integrated Service Center (ISC) after receiving Pre-release Preparation 服務使用者表示接受釋前輔導服務 後對社區資源的認識有所提升 Percentage of service users indicating enhancement of knowledge of community resources after attending persons-in-custody interviews of Pre-release Preparation Service in panel institutions