
47 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 主要工作 釋前輔導的服務於二零二二年年中開始逐漸 恢復正常運作。我們的社工定期探訪懲教院所 和會見在囚人士,向他們介紹本會服務,提供 釋前輔導服務並共同擬訂離所後的康復計劃, 包括生活安排、居住、培訓、就業及創業、經 濟、家庭關係、接監和輔導服務等範疇。 「新出發」計劃則繼續為由懲教署福利官轉介之 年紀老邁或不良於行的刑釋人士提供一站式服 務,包括接出獄服務及出獄後的善後服務,以 紓緩他們在適應出獄後日常生活及復康上遇到 的困難。而「有情時段計劃」亦繼續為一眾長期 未被探訪的在囚人士提供探訪及書信服務,社 工透過探訪及書信了解到在囚人士自身及╱或 家庭的需要,從而協助他們建立正面支援網絡 及╱或重建他們的家人及親朋關係,使他們在 漫長的在囚生活中找到出路。 Major Tasks Pre-release Preparation Service gradually resumed from mid- 2022. Our social workers paid regular visits to persons-in-custody (PICs) in correctional institutions to introduce the Agency’s services, provide pre-release preparation service and discuss the rehabilitation plan upon discharge with persons in custody (PICs), including but not limited to the aspects of living arrangement, accommodation, training, employment, entrepreneurship, financial, family relationship, pick-up service and counselling. “Pick-up Service for Discharged Prisoners in Need” continues to provide one-stop services for elderly or disabled discharged PICs referred by the Correctional Services Department’s welfare officers, including pick-up service and aftercare services, to alleviate the difficulties they may encounter in adapting to daily life and rehabilitation after release. “Project Connection” also continues to provide visits and letter-writing services for prisoners who have not been visited for a long time. Social workers will assess their personal and/or family needs through visits and letters to assist them in establishing positive support network and/or rebuilding their family and relational ties, thus enabling them to find a way out during their lengthy prison life.