
3 潘兆童法官 The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung 我作為善導會執行委員會主 席,回顧這一年多的工作,實是充滿喜 悅。這個角色為我提供了多方面的觀點與視 角,使我能夠更全面地了解社區的需要,賦予我 一份深遠的使命感。我深感榮幸並珍惜這個機會,能 夠帶領這家服務如此全面且人性化的機構,團隊上下一 心,與各界攜手協力,回應社會的各種需求和挑戰。 As the Chairperson of Executive Committee of SideBySide, reflecting upon the past year’s work fills me with great joy and a profound sense of purpose. This role has provided me with a multidimensional perspective and insights, enabling me to better serve the needs of our community. I feel honored and cherish the opportunity to lead such a comprehensive and people-oriented organisation like SideBySide, where the team works together and collaborates with various sectors to respond to the diverse needs and challenges of society. 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message