
49 社會康復及支援綜合服務中心 Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support 1,655 156 新開及重開個案 No. of new and reopened cases 支持 / 互助 / 發展性 小組及興趣班組節數 No. of supportive/ mutual-help/ developmental groups sessions and/interest class sessions 19,536 256 面談接觸次數 No. of face to face contacts 1,420 49 家庭探訪次數 No. of home visits 大型活動次數 No. of mass programmes 18,902 63 電話聯絡次數 No. of follow-up telephone contacts 社區參與 / 連繫活動 次數 No. of community involvement/linkage activities or programmes 29,595 輔導時數 No. of counselling hours 57,476 5,581 成功聯絡次數 No. of successful contacts 524 個案服務 Case Work 小組及活動資料 GroupandActivity 服務數據 Service Data 個案總數 Total no. of cases served 小組及活動總節數 Total no. of groups/activities sessions 本會營運四間社會康復及支援 綜合服務中心 ( 七個服務點 ) ,服 務分佈全港。我們以實證為本的 手法,協助服務使用者面對各種 問題,同時提升其自信心和解難 能力。我們亦致力於加強服務使 用者與家人的關係,協助他們自 力更生,使他們能夠順利重新融 入社會,並重建守法的自立生 活。 SideBySide operates 4 Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support Centres (ISC), with a total of 7 Revival Hubs distributed across Hong Kong. By adopting the evidence-based practice, our social workers help service users to cope with different difficulties by enhancing their self-confidence and problem-solving abilities. We are also committed to strengthening the familial relationships of service users and assisting them to become self-reliant. Our ultimate goal is to enable them to re-integrate into the community and rebuild an independent and law-abiding life. Service Overview 服務概覽 輔導 / 治療性小組 節數 No. of counselling/ therapeutic group sessions