
4 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message 在去年底舉行的第 65 屆週年大會上,善導會 品牌重塑計劃下的新品牌形象首次亮相。全新 的形象有助公眾留下深刻的印象,同時反映本 會與時俱進的精神,透過不斷進步以適應瞬息 萬變的社會步伐。我們期望能讓大眾更認識 善導會的工作,同時鼓勵大家成為我們的品 牌大使,一同參與和實踐善導會「自在共融」的 理念。 本會的服務範疇廣泛,包括更生同行、精神健 康、職能發展、社區教育、多元共融及社區連 繫。在過去的一年多裏,感謝團隊的努力,以 無比的熱情和專業精神,不斷提升服務的質量 和範疇,通過各種多元化計劃和項目,為社會 提供了實質的幫助和支持。 社會康復及預防犯罪一直是善導會的核心工 作,本會一直致力為不同年齡、不同背景的人 士提供全方位服務。由被捕一刻開始,經歷漫 長的司法程序,我們的法院社工為有需要人士 提供多元支援,包括法律諮詢和心理輔導等; 在囚期間,我們的團隊定期探訪懲教院所,提 供生涯發展和就業輔導等服務;在獲釋前,我 們就家庭重聚、就業準備和住宿需求等多方面 為更生人士安排合適的服務和轉介;並在獲釋 後,協助他們適應社會生活,陪伴走過更生之 路,提供適切跟進及支援。 During our 65 th Annual General Meeting, we proudly presented our new brand identity under the rebranding project. This exciting initiative has given us a fresh image that resonates with the public, at the same time reflecting our progressive spirit as an organisation that is constantly evolving and adapting to the ever- changing society we serve. With our new image, we hope to leave a lasting impression to the public and encourage everyone to become our brand ambassador to inspire others and join us in embodying our mission of “Everyone deserves to belong”. Our service scope is extensive, including social rehabilitation, mental wellness, competency development, community education, cultural inclusion, and community connection. Over the past year, I am grateful for the team’s efforts in continuously enhancing the quality and scope of our services with unwavering enthusiasm and professionalism. Through a variety of diverse programmes and projects, we have provided substantial assistance and support to society. Social rehabilitation and crime prevention have always been the core work of SideBySide. We are committed to providing comprehensive services to individuals of different ages and backgrounds. From the moment of arrest through the lengthy judicial process, our court social workers offer diverse support to those in need, including legal advice and psychological counselling. During the period of incarceration, our team regularly visits correctional facilities, providing services such as career development and employment counselling. Prior to release, we arrange appropriate services and referrals for rehabilitated individuals in areas such as family support, employment preparation, housing assistance. After release, we assist them in adapting to social life, accompanying them on their path to rehabilitation, and providing appropriate follow-up and support.