
58 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」新一階段已於二 零二三年三月啟動。計劃旨在與政策制定者及 持份者建立策略性夥伴關係,協助兒童和青少 年建立身份認同、適應力及職業和生涯規劃發 展,重視兒童和青少年的觀點、需要和權利, 推動業界對家長面對被捕、司法程序、在囚或 更生階段而需要協助的全港兒童及青少年的 關注。 The second phase of the “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” was launched in March 2023. It aims to acknowledge and incorporate children’s rights, voices and their perspectives through strategic engagement with policymakers, and key stakeholders unfolding along the judicial system in which children’s parents are involved. The project will rigorously review the pain points and loopholes in the service gaps among concerned government departments and service operators, with an emphasis on the service needs of children and youth with incarcerated parents so as to solve the problems by driving system change. 義工和服務使用者一起玩集體遊戲,開心過聖誕節。 As part of the Christmas celebration, service users and volunteers came together to play group games.