
59 住宿服務 Accommodation Service 宿舍服務 Hostel Service 善導會提供過渡性宿舍,幫助更 生人士出獄後盡快安頓下來, 並重新融入社區。若更生人士在 出獄後首月內未能獲得本會宿 位名額或沒有綜合援助金,本會 會為其提供最多連續兩個月的 租金津貼,以解決其當前住屋問 題。 SideBySide provides transitional housing to help newly released prisoners settle down quickly and reintegrate into the community. If they are unable to obtain a transitional housing spot from us or receive Comprehensive Social Security Assistance within the first month of their discharge, we will instead provide them with short- term rental assistance (SRA) for a maximum of two consecutive months to address their immediate housing needs. Service Overview 服務概覽 服務數據 Service Data 女宿舍 Female Hostel 1 10 宿舍數量 No. of hostel 宿位數量 No. of bed spaces 35 60 % 全年入住人次 No. of admission at female hostel service in the year 平均入住率 Average occupancy rate at female hostel service in the year 男宿舍 Male Hostel 5 120 宿舍數量 No. of hostel 宿位數量 No. of bed spaces 259 73 % 全年入住人次 No. of admission at male hostel service in the year 平均入住率 Average occupancy rate at male hostel service in the year 短期租金津貼計劃 Short-termRental Assistance for Discharged Prisoners (SRA) 406 604 HK$1,472,916 總資助人次 No. of beneficiaries 總津貼月數 No. of months of SRA provided for discharged prisoners 總資助金額 Total subvented amount