
5 We also deeply understand that family members of rehabilitated individuals, including children and youth, are facing various life changes and bearing immerse pressures. Family is the cornerstone of society, and the role of family members throughout the rehabilitation journey is crucial. Therefore, we provide all-rounded supporting services to accompany families in resolving and overcoming difficulties and challenges. The new phase of the “ Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project ” was launched in March 2023, building upon the experiences of the previous phase. We continue to improve our services, including parent-child center in correctional institutions, support groups for parents of inmates, and remote parenting courses. We have also implemented the “ Along Your Way Program ” to provide mental health support for family members of remanded, incarcerated individuals, and ex-offenders. SideBySide has always been committed to evidence-based and innovative approaches in promoting crime prevention. The “Mock Trial Justice Education Project”, which began in 2007, has been highly regarded by the academic community. With the support of the Funding Scheme for Youth Positive Thinking Activities from The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, the two-year “ Mock Trial Justice Education Project 2023–2025 ” will commence its first- year programme in the 2023-2024 academic year. The project will pivot on “Mock Court” as a tool, pairing participating secondary school students, tertiary students, and community youth with practicing solicitors or barristers as legal mentors. Through a progressive training process, the programme aims to guide young participants in understanding the judicial system and fostering respect for the law. In the post-COVID times, there has been a continuous increase in the demand for mental health services, particularly among student groups who are experiencing amplified stress. These accumulating circumstances have had a profound impact on the community. That is why we have made it one of our primary focuses to support the mental well-being of children from the families we serve. Schools serve as a second “home” for children, and we have collaborated with Save the Children to implement social and emotional learning programmes within primary school campuses . Our programmes are designed to align with local culture and the educational system in Hong Kong. Through activity-based teaching and experiential learning approaches in the classroom, we aim to assist students in enhancing their social and emotional learning abilities. 我們亦深深明白,更生人士的家庭成員,包括 未成年的子女,面對着各種生活的改變,亦承 受着沉重的壓力。家庭是社會的基石,家人在 整個更生路途中的角色舉足輕重。我們致力透 過提供多元化的支援服務,陪伴家庭克服困 境;當中「 藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃 」的新一 階段已於二零二三年三月啟動,承接上一階段 的經驗,我們繼續完善服務,如︰院所親子中 心、囚友家長小組、家長遙距課程等。我們亦 推行「 沿途『友』您計劃 」,為曾接觸司法程序人 士及其家屬提供精神健康支援。 本會一直以循證為本而創新互動的方法,推 動預防犯罪工作。始於 2007 年的「模擬法庭‧ 公義教育計劃」一直深受學界歡迎,承蒙民政 及青年事務局青年正向思維活動資助計劃資 助,為期兩年的「 模擬法庭·公義教育計劃 2023–2025 」將於 2023–2024 學年展開第一年度 計劃。計劃會以「模擬法庭」作為核心工具,為 參與的中學生、大專生及社區青年配對執業律 師或大律師作為法律導師,在訓練過程中,循 序漸進帶領青少年理解司法系統,建立對法律 的尊重。 在後疫情時代,社會對精神健康服務的需求 不斷增加,特別是在壓力倍增的學生群體中, 這些情況日漸累積並對社區產生了深遠的影 響。因此,我們開展兒童精神健康支援,將「小 家屬」的心理健康作為我們的主要關注之一。 校園是小朋友的另一個「家」,我們和香港救助 兒童會合作,在小學推行社交及情緒學習,推 出「 『童』感同⾏社交及情緒學習計劃 」,配合香 港本地文化及教學體制,於課堂內以活動教學 及體驗模式,協助學生加強社交及情緒學習的 能力。