
6 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message The prevalence of depression among the elderly is increasing, and we are committed to providing comprehensive support and care for emotionally distressed seniors. We focus on their mental well-being and quality of life, and have launched two progressive service programmes: “ JC JoyAge ” and “ IT Elderly Live Flourishing Project ”, aiming to provide holistic support and companionship to seniors. For persons in mental recovery, the journey can be long and challenging, with setbacks along the way. We have introduced the “ Lighthouse Project ” with an aim to enhancing medical- social collaboration and offering transitional support to individuals in the process of waiting for, residing in, or transitioning out of halfway houses, helping them gradually integrate into society. Furthermore, we have implemented animal-assisted interventions , forging connections between individuals in mental recovery and animals. This approach aims to enhance their mental well-being and sense of happiness. In addition, we highly value the role and contribution of carers. Carers are vital pillars of support for persons in recovery, but they also face significant pressures. We provide carers with comprehensive consultation and counselling services to alleviate their physical and mental stress. SideBySide is also actively developing peer support services to provide emotional support for persons in recovery and their carers. We equip suitable persons who had experienced in mental challenges to serve as peer supporters. Through sharing their own transformation experiences, peer supporters help to increase public awareness of mental health and foster the development of an inclusive and healthy community. Youth are the future of society; however, they are also facing immense challenges. Through our youth empowerment and entrepreneurship service, we put great efforts to make an impact on the lives of disadvantaged youths. We provided career planning, assessment, and various learning activities to rehabilitated youths, at-risk youths, and those under custody, as well as ethnically diverse youths. We strive to address the challenges of poverty and social exclusion through innovative solutions, aiming to accompany them in overcoming difficulties and moving towards a better future. Thanks to the support from HKEX Foundation, we have launched the “ CASH — Youth Financial Smart Planning Interactive Space ” programme. The programme aims to assist disadvantaged youth aged 9 to 35 in establishing sound financial goals and increasing their knowledge of financial management. 晚年抑鬱情況越趨普遍,我們致力為受情緒困 擾的長者提供全面的支援和關懷,關注他們 的心理健康和生活素質,並展開了「 賽馬會樂 齡同⾏ 」及「 數碼精齡 」兩項與時並進的服務計 劃,為長者提供全面的支持和陪伴,實踐老有 所為的精神。 對康復者而言,復元之路漫長且反覆,過程中 可能遇到很多的困難和挑戰。我們因此推出了 「 導航計劃 」,透過醫社協作,為輪候、居住或 遷離中途宿舍的精神復元人士提供過渡性支 援,幫助他們逐步融入社會。此外,我們還引 入了 動物輔助介入 ,通過與動物建立連結,提 升精神復元人士的心理健康和幸福感。 我們也非常重視照顧者的角色和貢獻,照顧者 是精神復元人士的重要支撐,但同時自身亦承 受著不少壓力。我們為照顧者提供多方面的諮 詢及輔導,以抒緩他們的身心壓力。善導會同 時積極發展 朋輩支援服務 ,為精神復元人士及 其照顧者提供情緒支援,促進復元的進程。朋 輩支援員並藉著分享他們的自身轉化經歷, 增加公眾對於精神健康的認識,建立共融健康 社區。 青年人是社會的未來,然而,他們亦是面對無 比挑戰的一群。我們透過青年培育及創業服 務,致力扶助弱勢青年(更生青年、邊緣及受 監管青年)的生活。我們為弱勢青年及多元族 裔青年提供職涯規劃、評估和各種學習活動, 致力以創新方案應對有關青年貧窮和社會孤 立的挑戰,冀能扶持他們走出困境。承蒙香港 交易所慈善基金資助,我們推出「 CASH — 青年 創意理財互動空間 」,目標協助 9 至 35 歲的弱勢 青少年,建立良好財務目標及增加財務管理的 知識。