
7 在過去的一年,我們推出的多元化服務廣泛回 應了社會的需求,成果令人鼓舞。「同你心同你 行」是善導會的品牌短語,同理心和包容性是 推動着我們前進的堅定承諾。我們深信,每個 人無論處境如何,都應該有所歸屬,實現自在 共融的社會。 我很榮幸能夠與善導會團隊並肩同行,實踐使 命為社會帶來正面影響,也為着我們不斷進步 的潛力感到振奮。在此,我代表善導會向每一 位善心人致以衷心的感謝,包括本會的委員、 同工、企業夥伴、義工和支持者,你們的支持 與付出是不可或缺的。 讓我們繼續攜手轉化生命,讓社會不一樣。 In the past year, the diverse range of services we have introduced has effectively addressed the needs of society, yielding encouraging results. At SideBySide, our brand message resonates deeply within us: “Understanding. Unwavering.” We firmly believe that everyone deserves to belong, regardless of their circumstances. It is this unwavering commitment to compassion and inclusivity that drives us forward. As we look ahead, we are inspired by the positive impact we have made together and the transformative potential that lies within our grasp. Our dedicated team, volunteers, partners and supporters have been the pillars of our success. On behalf of SideBySide, I extend heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your support and dedication are indispensable. Together, let us continue to transform lives and make our society different.