善導會 2023-2024年報
籏䎍✲㜡デ Chief Executive’s Report 08 ㊥㼬剚 SideBySide 勛巾䢵 Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai 麕♧䎃㊥㼬剚翹搋倴瘼殜䚍涮㾝⟃⸈䓽箎鸤 刿⨴䐁ㄤ⺫㺂涸爢剚⡲捀䭰糵侸焺鱲㘗涸♧鿈 ⴕ䧮⦛䲀鹎✫չ⦐呪⿻侸亙盘椚⥌䜂禺窡պ Mega System) 涸涮ˌ鸏僽♧⦐꧌⚥⻋涸䎂〵傌㖈矦⻋ 剪盘椚⚛⸈䓽侸亙뀝⹛涸剪䲿⣘갸鎙㼟倴✳ꨫ ✳Ⱉ䎃㉬欽 Last year, SideBySide focused on strategic advancements to reinforce our mission of fostering an inclusive, safe, and supportive community. As part of our ongoing digital transformation, we progressed with developing the Mega System – a centralised platform intended to streamline service management and enhance data-driven service delivery, with full implementation expected in 2026.
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