善導會 2023-2024年報
籏䎍✲㜡デ Chief Executive’s Report 09 䎃㜡 %RRYEP 6ITSVX 䧮⦛ꅾ鋕涮㾝⟃⨴䐁捀劥⛓剪Ⱖ⚥չ갸 պ瘼殜䍲⸔剪⢪欽罏䒊用䫒鷠腋⸂⚛ 귢䧭刿⨴䐁涸欰崞倰䒭չ H.O.M.E պ剪垸 䒭侮ざⵌ爢剚剪⿻麕庋䚍䨼㾋갪湡⚥✳ꨫ ✳♲䎃⼧剢鄄㹁捀堥圓⨴䐁剢⟃⤛鹎堥圓Ⰹ 鿈涸魨䗱⨴䐁 䧮⦛涸➃䩞涮㾝莊䲃㛆肬㆞䊨䱍䳣ꡠ꒳䪮腋 ⺫䭍剤ꡠշ㕜㹻㸞岁ո涸㛆鎯⿻莅⚥㕜Ⰹ㖒 堥圓涸耢粯 鸏❉䊨⡲⸈䓽㊥㼬剚荞⸂涮㾝黠䥰䚍⺫㺂䚍 剪⟃⿻䒊用剤ꯅ䚍涸爢⼦呥卺涸⢪ㄐ ⵄ欽侸焺䪮遯怏駈剪宠 ㊥㼬剚㼟侸焺鱲㘗⡲捀ꅾ럊涮 .FHB 4ZTUFN ⡲捀侸亙꧌⚥䎂〵傌㖈佖㊥ぐ 珏剪⛓盘椚侸亙盘椚湡姻㖈䒊鏤 ⚥涸 .FHB 4ZTUFN 㼟腋矦⻋剪䊨⡲崩 玑䲿⼮颶ꆀ盘椚⚛⸈䓽㕰⛓⟃⿻ 剪㋲⡙莅剪⢪欽罏⛓涸⿻儘彘鸒 鑪갪湡갸鎙㼟倴✳ꨫ✳Ⱉ䎃㸤䧭 禺窡麌⡲䖕㼟㻜植㻜儘侸亙ⴕ區ㄤ㜡 デ⤛鹎侸亙뀝⹛涸剪佖鹎⚛䲿⣘ 刿Ⱘ黠ⴗ䚍ㄤ⟃⢪欽罏捀⚥䗱涸剪넓 뀿 癲皻抓⚥鸁㺋莓皻㺲ꅾ䒊鎙ⷔ涸兰 腋禺窡⿻笪騟㷸绢禺窡涸涮鹎㾝갫ⵄ 兰腋禺窡㼟ⵄ欽剓倞涸暟耢笪䪮遯ㄤ兰 腋鮿⟝䒊用⹛䢀涸⢪欽罏墂呪⟃䲿넞 չ皻㺲պ涸盘椚佪桧剪䲿⣘涸彋焷 䚍ㄤ眏腋佪卓箁♳㷸绢禺窡㼟捀չ皻 㺲պ涸剪⢪欽罏䲿⣘♧⦐箁♳䎂〵 佅䴂✽⹛㷸绢铭玑㛂遤ㄤ盘椚⢵荈 鸏Ⰽ⦐禺窡涸侸亙鼩〳鷴麕馸ㄤ堥剚 ⴕ區⤛鹎堥圓鹎遤侸亙뀝⹛涸对瘼 Health-centred initiatives were prioritised, with the “ Prevention+ ” approach empowering service users to build resilience and adopt healthier lifestyles. The “ H.O.M.E ” model was integrated across social services and transitional housing projects. October 2023 was designated as Agency Health Month to promote wellness within our organisation. Our talent development initiatives prepared staff with essential skills, including training on the National Security Law and engagement with organisations in mainland China. These initiatives affirm SideBySide’s commitment to developing adaptive, inclusive services and a resilient community framework. 1. Leveraging Technology to Meet Service Needs SideBySide prioritised digital transformation with the development of the Mega System , a data management platform designed to enhance ser vice and data management across multifarious services. Currently under development, the Mega System is structured to streamline service workflows, elevate quality management, and strengthen communication among teams and between service units and service users of SideBySide. The full project completion is expected by 2026. Once operational, the Mega System will enable real-time data analysis and reporting, facilitating data-driven service improvements and a more responsive, user-centred service experience. The development of the Smart System and Online Learning System for the redeveloped Shau Kei Wan House (“Key House”) have progressed smoothly. The Smart System will make use of latest IoT technology and smart software to create a dynamic user profile, and enhance management efficiency, accuracy of service and energy saving of “Key House”. The Online Learning System will provide an online platform to support the development, execution and management of interactive learning opportunities for the service users of the “Key House”. The data from the two systems also facilitate data-driven decision-making within the agency by identifying trends and opportunities for optimisation.
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