善導會 2023-2024年報

10 ㊥㼬剚 SideBySide 籏䎍✲㜡デ Chief Executive’s Report 䲀⹛չ갸꣈ պ⟃䲿⼮⨴䐁⚥ 䗱剪⹡ չ갸꣈ պ瘼殜僽䧮⦛涮㾝涸呍䗱䓽锅 剤禺窡㖒佅䭰刿欰➃㡦涸䐁䗂⿻Ⱖ䗱椚 ⨴䐁䲀䑞姽瘼殜䍲⸔剪⹡⢪欽罏䒊用 㼩䫒䮋䨞ㄤ㔮㞯涸⥃隌䚍ꯅ⸂㟞䓽Ⱖ 琎噲佖隶涸腋⸂幾㼱月✲ㄤ䗱椚⨴䐁 㔮仠涸괐ꦖ չ H O M E պ剪⹡垸䒭⨴䐁堥剚欰 崞䠑纏⿻莅➃鸮穡鹎♧姿侮ざⵌ爢剚 ⿻麕庋䚍䨼㾋剪⹡⚥捀秋熂麕庋䚍䨼 㾋갪湡չ㊥⻽պ涸㾀字䲿⣘禺窡⻋涸佅 䭰⟃⤛鹎䎋犷欰崞 ㊥㼬剚❠鷴麕莊鳵㥶駵꥙ㄤ륌莽꥙瘞崞 ⹛䲀䑞姻ぢ䙼笞⿻爢⼦⿮莅雊剪⹡ ⢪欽罏「渤 Ⰹ鿈倰꬗✳ꨫ✳♲䎃⼧剢鄄㹁捀չ堥 圓⨴䐁剢պ렽⺑ず✲魨넓⸂遤ꡠ岤 荈䊹涸魨䗱⨴䐁 㛆肬➃䩞⿻乩䫵⺫㺂䚍 ㊥㼬剚鄄⹪䊨贖鼇㖈捀⛰륌⼦䲿⣘涸չ珏 停㢵⯋㽠噠鎙ⷔպ 3%&1 捀㢵⯋停酓宠 耷罏䲿⣘㽠噠佅䴂剪⹡䲿넞➮⦛涸㽠 噠腋⸂ㄤ耷噠涮㾝 껻度❜僒䨾䡹㊥㛇ꆄ丸妵须⸔♴丸妵 ⿻湌㻌堥圓껻度Ⱇ渤ꆄ㊥㼬剚ⶾ 鳵 ✫չ$"4)  ꫭ 䎃 ⶾ 䠑 椚 頿 ✽ ⹛ 瑠 ꟦պ捀劍Ⰽ䎃捀䓳⹴爢纈䲀䑞頿⹡ 盘椚涸濼陏⚛慨涮➮⦛涸椚頿⹛⸂ 2. Developing “Prevention+” to Advance Health-Centred Services The “ Prevention+ ” approach remains central to our development, emphasising an intentional approach to support the rehabilitation of persons in desistance and promote mental wellness across our services. This approach enables our service users to build protective resilience against challenges and predicaments, enhancing their capacity for positive change and mitigating risks associated with legal issues and mental health struggles. The “ H.O.M.E ” model ( H ealth, O pportunities, M eaning of Living and E ngaging people) was further integrated across social and transitional housing services, providing structural support to foster eudaimonic well-being, particularly to the residents at the Hung Hom Transitional Housing Project “Good Mansion”. SideBySide also promotes positive thinking and community engagement through organising activities like running clubs and dragon boat teams for our service users. Internally, October 2023 was designated as “ Agency Health Month ”, dedicated to encouraging colleagues to lead by example and pay attention to their physical and mental health. 3. Cultivating Talent and Embracing Inclusivity SideBySide was selected as the service provider for the Racial Diversity Employment Programme (RDEP) launched by the Labour Department for Kowloon. This allows us to offer employment support services for ethnic minority job seekers, enhancing their employability and career development. With a two-year funding grant from the HKEX Foundation, allocated and monitored by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, SideBySide launched the “ CASH – Youth Financial Smart Planning Interactive Space ” to promote financial literacy and encourage financial motivation among young people.