善導會 2023-2024年報

11 2023-2024 䎃㜡 Annual Report 籏䎍✲㜡デ Chief Executive’s Report ㊥㼬剚ꅾ鋕㆞䊨㛆鎯⿻➃䩞涮㾝䓽锅 ず䊨涸䧭Ꟁ䙼笞ㄤ䥰隶腋⸂⚛捀㆞䊨 䲿⣘剤ꡠշ㛇劥岁ո痧✳⼧♲哭⿻荈✳ ꨫ✳ꨫ䎃饱黠欽倴껻度暶ⴽ遤佟⼦涸շ㕜 㹻㸞岁ո涸濼陏㛆鎯鸏❉㛆鎯焷⥃ 㛆肬ず✲捀ざ鋊⨞㥪彋⪔㛆귢頾顑⟤ ㄤ㸛岁涸䊨⡲꥙⟿⟃䲿⣘剤䕧갠⸂涸 剪⹡ 幀⻋չ պ瘼殜涮㾝ꅾ럊 չ պ瘼殜鋊ⷔ➛䎃涸㔋⦐⚺銴걆 㚖⿻♧⦐瘼殜⚺겗糒糵僽䧮⦛涸堥圓涮 㾝ꅾ럊 涮㾝ꅾ럊♧ 剦鰳剪⹡ 倴✳ꨫ✳♲荛✳ꨫ✳㔋䎃䏞䧮⦛鷴麕 ⟃넓뀿䒭歋剦鰳⚺㼬糒糵䲀㾝涸չ剦 鰳㉬腋禺窡պ1 & & 3 4ZTUFN⟃ ⸈䓽剪⹡⢪欽罏涸腋⸂䲿⼮➮⦛涸娝 㿂䠮⿻✽⸔礶牟麨荛鱲⻋⡲顀桐涸佪 卓剦鰳剪⹡涸շ㻜⹡麌⡲䭸䒸ո⟃⿻ շչ㛇燊剦鰳鎯箻铭玑պ㛆鎯䩛ⱁո䊺 竤㸤䧭⚛倴✳ꨫ✳♲䎃⼧✳剢鹎遤✫չ剦 鰳鎯箻ꅾ影铭玑պ⟃肥㹁麕⢵➃涸顀 桐ㄤ腋⸂殹傈⿮⸈罏㸤䧭铭玑⿻罌呍 鱲⻋䧭 ⡙剦鰳㣐⢪ㄤ ⡙须幀剦鰳㣐 ⢪ 倴✳ꨫ✳㔋䎃✳剢䧮⦛㛆鎯✫ ⡙ず 䊨䧭捀չ㛇燊剦鰳鎯箻铭玑պ涸鎯箻㆞ 钢〳倴剚Ⰹ䲿⣘㛆鎯✮剪⹡⢪欽罏鱲⻋ 䧭剦鰳㣐⢪㖈劢⢵♧䎃♶ず鿈Ꟍ涸 㛆鎯㆞㼟剚䲿⣘չ㛇燊剦鰳鎯箻铭玑պ ✮剪⹡⢪欽罏갸鎙剤馄麕 ⡙剪⹡⢪ 欽罏〳䱺「㛆鎯䧭捀剦鰳㣐⢪玖䖕 㼟鸮ずぐ鿈Ꟍ莊鳵չ剦鰳㛇燊㛆鎯殗噠 狲冸ꅾ翹傈պ SideBySide prioritises staff training and talent development to cultivate a growth mindset and adaptability to change. This includes equipping staff with knowledge on the newly enacted Article 23 of the Basic Law and the National Security Law applicable to the HKSAR since 2020. These measures ensure colleagues are well-prepared for compliance, fostering a responsible and law-abiding workforce capable of delivering impactful services. 4. Deepening the 2020+5 Strategic Development Priorities The 2020+5 strategy planning remains fundamental to our development, focusing on four primary areas and a strategic theme. Strategic Plan (1) — Peer Service In 2023-2024, we enhanced our “ P.E.E.R. System ” ( P athway of E nlightenment & E nabling to Thrive) to empower users through experiential, peer-led support, fostering a strong sense of belonging and mutual assistance. This initiative aims to transform the lives of our service users. We successfully completed and launched our operational guidelines and training protocols. In December 2023, we conducted grandfathering training to acknowledge the valuable experience and contributions of our service users, resulting in the recognition of 17 peer ambassadors and 8 senior peer ambassadors. In February 2024, we held a train-the-trainer course for 30 staff members, who have since been certified as trainers for the peer foundation course, facilitating the transformation of users into ambassadors. In the upcoming year, various branches will conduct peer foundation trainings, with an expectation of over 70 participants graduating as peer ambassadors. A reunion and graduation ceremony will be held later.