善導會 2023-2024年報

⚺䌏桐鴀 Chairperson’s Message 03 2023-2024 䎃㜡 Annual Report 悮⯐留岁㸽 The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung 劥䎃䏞涸㼓꬗⟃չ㸞㾀坿噠⨴䐁欰崞պ捀⚺겗㾝爚✫㊥㼬 剚➛䎃衆䧭涸♲䏠䨼㾋⚛鰊⟃䩛粭괐呔涸䳄㕬䲾粭ⴀ 鹎遤♶ず麌⹛涸➃暟⡞㾋僽껻度剓Ⱘ䮋䨞涸爢剚㉏겗⛓ ♧䎃㜡㼓꬗ꤑツ植ㅷ晦䎃鰋崞⸂涸♧꬗❠瑳곏✫㊥㼬剚 Ⱉ⼧♬䎃⢵♧湬莅儘⚛鹎ⶾ倞⚂⹡㻜䲀ⴀ㢵⯋⻋剪⹡⟃ 㔐䥰爢剚涸꨾宠鸒麕䲿⣘佅䭰ㄤ须彂䧮⦛䋞劆腋㣁䍲⸔ 刿㢵➃㻜植⨴䐁涸欰崞䎃㜡♶⫦➝稲劥剚涸ぐ갪剪⹡䧭 卓鼩ⴕ❧✫剪⹡⢪欽罏涸佦✲鷴麕溫㻜涸⦐呪㾝植堥 圓㥶⡦չず⡹䗱խず⡹遤պ This year, our annual report cover embraces the theme “Safe Home, Joyful Career, Healthy Life”, featuring three newly completed housing projects by SideBySide. The hand-drawn illustrations depict individuals engaging in various sports, highlighting the vitality of our brand. Housing is one of Hong Kong’s most pressing social challenges. In addition to presenting a fresh and youthful image, the cover also underscores our 67- year journey of innovation and adaptability. Through offering diverse services, we aim to meet the evolving needs of society, helping more individuals achieve a healthier life by providing support and resources. This annual report not only showcases our service outcomes but also shares the stories of our service users with the spirit of “Understanding, Unwavering.”.