善導會 2023-2024年報

05 2023-2024 䎃㜡 Annual Report ⚺䌏桐鴀 Chairperson’s Message 䗱㶸ず椚խ㻜驏ず遤 㖈Ⰽ䎃⵹涸ㅷ晦ꅾ㝖鎙ⷔ⚥䧮⦛娝秝ⴀ㊥㼬 剚Ⱖ⚥♧갪暶䗚僽չ䗱㶸ず椚պ➛傈㕰꥙ ➠猥䭰鸏⟨攨铇腋㣁畀倴剪⹡㼩韍涸錬䏞澗 鍑꨾宠㻜驏չず遤պ涸䗳銴哭⟝蜓麕倴捀 㹻㿂䲿⣘㻜ꥹ䴂⸔罜ꬌ贡搂교庻秶♳锓Ⱕ 涸椚锸չ"MPOH :PVS 8BZ 剎䱺鍸぀岁 玑䎸➃㡦㹻㿂礶牟⨴䐁佅䴂鎙ⷔպꤑ✫捀㹻㿂 䲿⣘㻜ꥹ䴂⸔⺫䭍ꤎ䨾䱺鷑暟须佅䴂㼭 穉⿻㢫鎙ⷔ❠렽⺑䒊用䓽㣐涸㹻㿂佅䴂笪 窄䲿넞剪⹡涸〳䭰糵涮㾝⸂䲿⼮爢剚㣐滞 㼩㹻㿂涸ꡠ岤罜չ㼬菕鎙ⷔ礶牟䗂⯋➃㡦 麕庋佅䴂剪⹡鑑뀿鎙ⷔպ䱰欽䗂⯋垸䒭⿻ꄴ爢 ⼿⡲捀劥捀礶牟䗂⯋➃㡦䲿⣘騗㼠噠⿻麕庋 䚍佅䴂剎剤剪⹡⢪欽罏䕎㺂姽鎙ⷔ柔㥶랱冝 ⚥涸敚㝝㖈劥度涸礶牟⨴䐁剪⹡⿻爢⼦须彂 㼂䏨⚥չ㼬菕պ⤛鹎➮⦛䱺「剓黠ⴗ涸剪⹡ 黠䥰⚥鸁㺋莓欰崞⿻輑Ⰵ爢⼦劥剚❠⼧ⴕꅾ 鋕չ剦鰳佅䴂պ禺窡涸䒊用렽⺑鱲⻋荈魨竤 娜⼿⸔Ⱖ➮礶牟䗂⯋➃㡦 Empathy in Action Two years ago, during our rebranding efforts, we identified “empathy” as a core characteristic of SideBySide. Today, our team continues to embody this spirit, understanding the needs of those we serve. Practicing the value of “Understanding, Unwavering.” means providing practical support for families, not just theoretical solutions. The “Along Your Way: Mental Health Support Program for Family Members of Remanded, Incarcerated individuals, and Ex-offenders” offers not only practical help — such as transportation to facilities, material assistance, and group support — but also fosters a strong family support network, enhancing the programme’s sustainability and raising public awareness. The “Lighthouse Project – Pilot Project on Transitional Support Service for Persons in Mental Recovery” adopts a recovery-oriented model that integrates health and social care, offering professional support for individuals in recovery. One service user likened the project to a “beacon in the dark”, guiding them through Hong Kong’s mental health services and resources, helping them adapt to hostel life and reintegrate into the community. We also place great emphasis on peer support systems, encouraging individuals to share their experiences to assist others in recovery.