善導會 2023-2024年報
06 ㊥㼬剚 SideBySide ⚺䌏桐鴀 Chairperson’s Message 㛆肬ꫭ䎃խ㶲肬劢⢵ ꫭ䎃➃僽爢剚涸劢⢵⛳僽䧮⦛ꅾ럊ꡠ岤涸㼩 韍㖈植➛䘰鸠隶⻋涸爢剚⚥䧮⦛捀ꫭ䎃➃ 䲿⣘涸佅䭰䍲⸔➮⦛㖈ぐ珏䮋䨞♳刿 Ⱘ⥌䗱莅腋⸂㙹ꡠ岤涸㷸留礶牟⨴䐁㉏ 겗䧮⦛ㄤ껻度佹⸔⯥留剚ざ⡲㖈㼭㷸䲀ⴀ չջ留ռ䠮ず遤爢❜⿻䞕筱㷸绢鎙ⷔպ⼿⸔ 㷸欰⸈䓽爢❜⿻䞕筱㷸绢涸腋⸂劥剚ⴕⴽぢ ⯋剽⼦秋熂⿻⛰륌㙹⼦㷸吥䲿⣘Ⰵ吥礶牟⨴ 䐁闍䏠䊨⡲㖷⿻✽⸔㼭穉瘞崞⹛⤛鹎ꫭ㼱 䎃钢陏䞕筱㠺⸂爢❜瘞铭겗ꂂざ䗂⯋➃ 㡦ⵌ吥ⴕ❧䖰㼭㛆귢爢剚Ⱏ輑涸嚌䙂 ㊥㼬剚剤Ⱉ⼧♬䎃涸刿欰剪竤뀿䧮⦛幀濼 갸月縢來肬涸ꅾ㣐䠑纏倴䲀䑞㸛岁䠑陏 ⯏怏攨铇⿻䫵頾չ垸亼岁䏭⿻Ⱇ纏來肬鎙 ⷔպ植䊺涮㾝䧭擿㖈度㷸吥飷䖤✫葻㥪涸 〡烵刿㨥穉䧭չ垸亼岁䏭莍欰剚պ雊乩 䫵湱ず䫵頾涸➃䩞鷴麕䎂〵✽湱⹉⺑涮⯕涮 攨姽鎙ⷔ♶⫦䍲⸔ꫭ㼱䎃䲿⼮岁䖒濼陏㛆 귢䪡ⴼ䚍䙼笞腋⸂刿⤛鹎➮⦛刿琎噲㖒莅 爢剚✲䧭捀頾顑⟤涸Ⱇ字姽鎙ⷔ刿囙栽 չ䗱鸮䗱㕜䣔爢犷謹蟌պ⚥չ铞㥪爢犷佦✲պ 涸չ剓Ⱘ字欰䕧갠⸂爢犷㥪✲պ栁갪䕥곏Ⱖ 㼩爢剚涸幀黇䕧갠 雊䎃ꫭ♧➿溏鋅䋞劆剤⹅孵㾝劆劢⢵姻僽 欰巆鋊ⷔ涸湡垦䧮⦛邪䗱䠮闒䛎欰ꋓ遤㼩劥 剚涸⸂佅䭰䒸걆չ䛎欰ꫭ䎃騟䱳程鎙 ⷔպ鼠鹎⼧鹋䎃鎙ⷔ䲿⣘㢵⯋⻋涸㻜绢䄋 ⡙雊䓳ꫭ䎃〳⟃剤Ⱘ넓涸䊨⡲넓뀿ꤑ✫ ぐ珏耷噠넓뀿劥䎃䏞Ⱏ莊遤✫Ⰽ妄ⶾ噠鐱㻤 ⿻䪡ⴀ饱⹛㛇ꆄ✮♬⦐갪湡❠⸈䓽ⶾ噠♳涸 䖕糵佅䴂⼿⸔䎃ꫭ➃㻜植椚䟝 Empowering Youth, Shaping the Future Youth are the future of society and one of our key focus areas. In today’s rapidly changing world, we offer comprehensive support to help young people build confidence and resilience in facing various challenges. To address the growing concern around student mental health, we have partnered with Save the Children to implement Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programmes in primary schools. These initiatives are designed to enhance students’ emotional intelligence and coping skills. Additionally, we have delivered mental health talks, workshops, and support groups in schools across Yuen Long, Hung Hom, and Kowloon City, raising awareness of emotions, stress, and social issues among students. Additionally, by inviting individuals in recovery to share their experiences, we aim to foster a culture of inclusion from an early age. With 67 years of experience in rehabilitation services, we understand the importance of crime prevention education and are passionate about promoting the rule of law. The “Mock Trial- Justice Education Project” has gained a strong reputation in schools across Hong Kong and has even established an alumni association. This platform allows like-minded individuals to connect, inspire one another, and shine in their endeavors. The project not only enhances young people’s legal knowledge and critical thinking skills but also encourages them to participate actively in social affairs and become responsible citizens. The project was awarded the “Most Influential Social Welfare Initiative for People’s Livelihood” in the “Telling Good Social Welfare Stories” category at the “Connecting Hearts – National Day Social Welfare Showcase”. Helping the younger generation see hope and have the courage to look to the future is the goal of our career planning efforts. We are deeply grateful to Hang Seng Bank for its unwavering support as we mark the 10th anniversary of the “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”. This initiative provides a wide range of internship opportunities, giving disadvantaged youth hands- on work experience. This year, we held two entrepreneurship competitions, awarded seven applications with start-up grants, and strengthened follow-up support to help young people realize their dreams.
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