Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project (BBJC) with the sponsorship of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, aims to provide supporting services to children and youth, whose parents are arrested, incarcerated, or ex-offenders, also their caregivers in Hong Kong.
Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project
Service Objective
The project provides all-rounded supporting service towards the children and youth, whose parents are arrested, incarcerated or ex-offenders, also their caregivers in Hong Kong, in order to resolve or overcome the challenges from family and development stages, also facilitate the positive family relationship.
Service Users
- Children and Youth (age 18 or under) with the parents, whom are arrested, incarcerated or ex-offenders, also their caregivers and incarcerated parents.
Scope of Services
1. Children and Youth Service
2. Parent Support Services (individual(s) in conflict of law, in-prison or under rehabilitation)
3. Caregiver Support Services
4. Other Services
- Service leaflet
- Relevant reports and media interviews
- TV show about Correctional Institution services
同賀十一國慶 | 《伙伴同行助更生》特輯第一集.男性親子中心 - News interview
父親節 丈夫在囚 母身兼父職賺錢照顧年幼兩子 望維持家庭不變
HK01 | 2024-06-16 | 父親節|丈夫在囚 母身兼父職賺錢照顧年幼兩子 望維持家庭不變 (
父親節 有機構與懲教署合作推出計劃 讓在囚人士有機會維繫親子關係
TVB | 2024-06-16 | 【父親節】有機構與懲教署合作推出計劃 讓在囚人士有機會維繫親子關係 | 無綫新聞TVB News
我要讚佢|一道玻璃窗成在囚父親與子女關係隔膜 善導會計劃助重拾親子關係
星島日報 | 2024-06-16 | 我要讚佢|一道玻璃窗成在囚父親與子女關係隔膜 善導會計劃助重拾親子關係 (
在囚父親支援計劃 維繫親子關係
信報 | 2024-06-16 | 即時新聞 - 時事脈搏 - 在囚父親支援計劃 維繫親子關係 - 信報網站
懲教設親子中心 在囚男無阻隔見子女
明報 | 2024-06-16 | 懲教設親子中心 在囚男無阻隔見子女 - 20240616 - 港聞 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網 (
Hong Kong non-profit group helps fathers in prison repair ties with children, make a changeSCMP | 2024-06-16 | Hong Kong non-profit group helps fathers in prison repair ties with children, make a change | South China Morning Post
RTHK | 2024-09-16 | - Academic literature Physical and Psychosocial Impacts of Parental Incarceration on Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Differentiating Age of Exposure
Service Fees
Free of charge
Service Hours
Monday to Wednesday, Friday | 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. |
Thursday | 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. |
Saturday | 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. |
Sunday and public holidays | Closed |
Service Application
Service users could obtain the service through direct application or referral by other organizations.
The service is provided on a voluntary basis.
Service Withdrawal
- Service users may terminate service voluntarily at any juncture of the service process.
- Social workers could also terminate the service upon their professional judgment and mutual agreement made with the service users
Enquiries and Contact
Tel:(852) 3758 2100
Fax:(852) 3705 9662
Address:Flat 901-02 Houston Ctr, No. 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln