The "SO Walk 2025" , organised by SideBySide and fully supported by the Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club, was successfully held on February 22, 2025 at the Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club. The funds raised will be allocated to the development of social rehabilitation services and crime prevention education initiatives. The charity walk attracted nearly 700 participants, all coming together to support and experience the meaning of 'Understanding. Unwavering." We thank everyone for their support in uniting community strength and fostering inclusivity. We look forward to gathering again next year!
Click here to view highlights from the event day: Link 1
Media Coverages (Chinese Only):
香港01︰ 善導會「甦Walk」 林定國:人生像一場步行活動|政壇諸事町
星島日報︰林定國喻人生如步行或會迷路、行錯 須靠自己尋正確路徑
明報︰林定國出席步行籌款活動 稱人生或迷路或跌倒 須靠自己爬起身
點新聞︰林定國:人生如步行或會迷路行錯 須靠自己尋找正確路徑
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