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Overcome Adversity with Fitness Embarking on Entrepreneurship


We always encourage ex-offenders to look for self-enhancement in adversity. Rizzy, our service user, has overcome the low tide of life through fitness exercises in prison, and regained his goals. He hopes to help and guide other ex-offenders to be fitness coaches, equipped themselves with skills. Now, he is planning to apply for funds to establish a coaching team composed of ex-offenders to promote fitness exercise in the community.


Rizzy, together with our Hong Kong Revival Hub Supervisor Mr. Tom Tse and Social Worker of “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” Ms. Bernice Lam, were being interviewed by Ming Pao to share the challenges faced by ex-offenders in their rehabilitation and how SRACP helped them reintegrate into the community.

The articles were published in Chinese only & please click below links for details:



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